

New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2004
Holland - Utrecht
Hey there,

Well... I'm not really interesting, but I will try to make something nice to read.
My english sucks by the way. Try to ignore spelling mistakes, please.

I'm a 17 year old girl for Holland.
My hobby's are music, I play drums and I have a guitar. I just start playing so I'm not good at all...
I like writing, about what ever I think about. I like to draw, so I sit on a graphic school. But I will quit that school, cause I can't be creative enough because of all those rules.
So next year I wanna start an other school.
Till next schoolyear I'm gonna work till I have enough money to go backpack a few months in Canada, alone.
I have something with my kidney, and next year I get an operation.
A little bit scary, but I'm sick of all the pain.
I hope it will be oke so I can visit Canada without any problems.

Here's a picture, kinda weird, I don't know what I'm doing there...
Hope I told enough
Welcome :D

I wish I can meet more female metal heads in New York.

Nice Pic (I always like girls who wear green pants, DONT ASK WHY!!, im just weird :loco: )