

New Metal Member
This'll probably bore you to tears,but here goes anyway.I got through to UltimateMetal through various links,but mainly from listening to the InsideOut Sampler 2001,& starting from their site.My main musical likes are Dream Theater,Sabbath,Purple,Y&T,& Priest,but since the rise (& Demise) of the P-rock channel here in the UK,i find myself listening to much more diverse stuff,recently buying cd's by Transplants,King Prawn,& Blink182!
Weird,i know,but hey, a change is as good as a rest they say.
Looking at the birthdays on the homepage has got me feeling like a bit of an old get,(just turned 38) but with a 6 year old son who's into all the stuff i like & Nu-Metal such as Linkin Park etc,i don't feel it.
Anyway,intro over,time for you all to wake up again.