Newest mix Log style


Jul 26, 2006
Hey guys i had another run at the mix heres a new song please let me no wat u guys think ,

drum real
guitars real mesa mark 4 , mesa trad. cab miced on axis 57
bass ampeg 8x10 miced and sans amp
vox AT 2020

im just having trouble with getting the guitars to sit properly and have a presence?

please comments welcome. in and out.mp3

ye i stil havnt put it in the chain yet does it sound beefy enough of does it still need something this mix is blowing my mind thanks for your comments by the way
thanks so much guys really i thought it sounded better as well . um morgoe : totally different sound and player hi highs and mids were cranked going in so it gives it the sound of being louder but its the same levels in pt i need a good eq-ing technique i just did a slight hi pass on the guitars to leave room and let the bass carry the weight am i on the right track ? no compression on guitars slight on the main left and right gtrs were double tracked pr side

thanks for the comments