Newest production \m/

I think your mix is pretty gnarly man. Near perfect for what the band is doing. I love the overheads, they just sound like good cymbals sound in a good room but i like the simplicity of sound there. Snare sounds really cool and snappy and very natural. I think the song has too many stock breakdowns and that the singer sounds like a jackass but there isnt much you can do about that. If I were forced to make any critique i would say that the guitars sound too cleaned up in places, like there is no noise at all in the boring breakdown pauses before the chugs come back in, and in this particular case i think they could use to sound noisier, might add some character to it and complement the rest of the natural sounding mix.
Thank you! Yeah the band is a bit on the simple side, tried to help them as much as I could but the guitar player is pretty narrow minded and wasn't open to any ideas besides a lead and maybe another in a different song. About the noise, not a fan of amp noise really, I edited all of it out. Their should have been feedback and noise on the pre breakdown cliche chug though and they didn't want it. So a very non interesting project, but it didn't hinder me from giving them an interesting mix :)
They sound like they want to be chelsea grin pretty bad lol. I agree on the overheads very smooth sounding. Those guitars are boring though and a bit annoying going side to side so much. That's the band's choice tho so your hands are tied.