newish Mastering house for metal


New Metal Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hey guys, I'm not gonna be one of the 6000 mastering spam monsters that have popped up when everyone realised they could download t racks..

But I just thought I would make my services known to the production guys on this part of the forum.

My name is Joe and I have a history of playing, listening to and working with the heavier/noiser side of music. I currently work alongside the good chaps of Stuck on A Name doing my own little mastering thing out of one of the rooms...

my site is and I can do a free trial or whatever if you need it, just send me an email :)


Joe Subsequent
How are you going to come out and say you aren't going to be a mastering spam monster and then turn around and do exactly that :lol:
Its pretty unlikely many people will take you seriously given you've made 2 posts and are already spaming. If you really want to be a part of any collective group of people, it'd be a good idea to assimilate and build relatioships before you start advertising work when most likely not many people (if any) here know you or of you. Just saying.
I hope you understand where I'm coming from and that I'm only trying to help.
Good Luck, dude and welcome to the forum, by the way :kickass:
Your last name is Caithness... I live in Caithness.

Wanna hump?

Good luck with the mastering :)