News About Decapitated :(

Nov 15, 2004
I just heard this terrible news on Blabbermouth, :(

Russia's Darkside webzine has informed BLABBERMOUTH.NET that several members of the Polish extreme metal acts DECAPITATED and CRIONICS were badly injured in a bus crash which took place when the two bands were travelling to Gomel, Russia to perform a concert Monday night (October 29) as part of their joint Russian tour. Two members of DECAPITATED are reportedly in intensive care at a Russian hospital while the bus itself is said to be "beyond repair." More information will be made available soon.

Have toured with those guys and got to know them really well. They are some of the nicest guys around

I truly hope they are well and want to wish them a good recovery!
Here is some more news on the accident:(

Best wishes to Covan and Vitek.

From Blabbermouth
"Two members of DECAPITATED have been seriously injured in a road accident involving their tour bus and a truck carrying wood in Gomel, on the Russia/Belarus border.

"Vocalist Covan and drummer Vitek sustained serious head injuries as a result of the accident, and are to be taken 550km from Gomel to Moscow for emergency treatment.

"All other members of the touring party are not reported to be seriously hurt.

"Our thoughts are with all members of the tour at this time."
Terrible news indeed. Just read about it yesterday. All the best to them, and hope they have a fast recovery.
Just heard that Vitek didn't make it...

This is a really sad day,
my thoughts go to his wife and kid and also his friends.
He was one of the nicest guys I had the pleasure to meet.
Never spoke out of turn and always went out of his way to help his fellow musicians.

Goodbye Vitek

will never forget you
It's a sad day indeed.....My thoughts go to his family and friends. Vitek was such an amazing drummer.

R.I.P Vitek......You were an aweseom drummer, and an awesome person.
DECAPITATED's official MySpace page has now been update with the following message:

"Covan is currently at a hospital in Kraków, Poland. Doctors describe his condition as stable and he is showing signs of improvement every day. At this time, visiting is prohibited except to family members due to his fragile state. In the coming days, the decision on his follow-up treatment will be made."
DECAPITATED's official MySpace page has now been update with the following message:

"Covan is currently at a hospital in Kraków, Poland. Doctors describe his condition as stable and he is showing signs of improvement every day. At this time, visiting is prohibited except to family members due to his fragile state. In the coming days, the decision on his follow-up treatment will be made."

Thanks Will, hope Covan gets well soon!