News About The Single And The Next Album


Haistakaapa vittu!
Nov 23, 2001
Someone could translate? Hehe

JALOMETALLIA SPINEN BÄNDEILLE! Children Of Bodomin maanantaina julkaistu sinkku "You're Better Off Dead" on myynyt kultaa eli yli 5000 kappaletta! Singlen kakkosbiisinä kuullaan The Ramones - cover "Somebody Put Something In My Drink". Children Of Bodom työstää parhaillaan seuraavaa albumiaan, joka julkaistaan vuoden 2003 alussa. Bändi on mahdollista nähdä livenä lauantaina 28.9. Spinefeast - tapahtumassa Helsingin Nosturissa.
"Gold to Spine Bands!
Children of Bodoms last monday released single "You're better off dead" has sold gold in finland, what means over 5000...
Second track on single is Ramones cover "Somebody put something on my drink". Now Children of Bodom is making their next album, which is going to be released in the beginning of year 2003. The Band is possible to see live on saturday 28.9 in spinefeast- festival in Helsinki."

sorry my awful english...:p