News from Morbid Saint


Messenger of Madness
Jan 7, 2005
I'm making this thread to share more information about this great band. I made a thread about them on another metal forum, and after a few days I got a responce from the producer of their album "Spectrum of Death". Here it is:

The only thing I can add about Specturm of Death is that it still remains a classic thrash album and one that I'm proud to have been associated with. Raw and real, every note is how the band played it. Although there are effects galore on background vocals, to add a sense of the demonic, the fact that they played incredible tight riffs with Lombardo-esque drumming is all THEM, pure and simple. The kicks still sound like booming clear cannons, which was an alternative to the clicky Scott Burns/Morrisound style of the day. This album was actually recorded in winter '88-'89, but didn't see the light of day until a couple of years later. I tried to help MS as best I could, having them open for Death (who I managed) as often as was feasible. I recently purchased a copy of Spectrum over the net so it is still out there. BUT, you can now download the tracks for free at former bassist Tony's MS web site: Since the labels involved are long defunct, and as there are no plans for a re-release, I can't see any harm in the public getting their hands on this historical artifact from hell! Twisted Evil Can I get an amen??

And then a reply from Patrick Lind, the vocalist:
Its kind of sad that i dont even have a copy any more..but i do have the vinal album if you can believe that... Anyway i just serched for the old band name and it brought me to this site. Anybody who liked the MS is going to love the new band i am in (also still playing with jat guitar player for MS) the new band is Sgt. Discharge and the web address is come download a ferw tunes ..we will be releasing our debut full length CD by the end of Feb for sure. Not signed to a lable right now so you will have to order it from the web site...and if your from Wisconsin you definetly should see a live show..We will hopefully be back on the rock stage at Summerfest this year...Peace ...Patrick

The next day I also recieved a PM from Patrick Lind:

Hello Wyrm this is Patrick the singer of the late morbid saint. I was curious to see if anything would come up if i serched the name on the internet. I see that you have had a chance to here some of it. I am glad to see it is still being listed to..We were from Wisconsin,USA and if you are curious as to what has become of the band we broke up quite a few years ago but i am still playing with Jay the guitar player and have a new bad that is doing well here. The new band is called Sgt. Discharge nd the web address is you can download some songs there so check it out you are going to love it i garuentee...if you have any questions just drop me a line...later, Pat

Well, check the links, and

Please note that I myself have not listened to Sgt. Discharge as of yet so I am not sure of their quality.