news update and Testament video clip

"That's a lovely Oh-oh-Oh."
So that's how it was recorded.... The Gathering is such a great album, you must look back at it with pride.
Thanx for the vid, Andy, you're the man.

Now let's bug him for more album recording sessions videos hahaha :D
Great funny video!
It's incredible to see that albums like the Gathering have been recorded in a "home studio"-like situation... that shows how the hands (and ears!) of the producer really MAKE the difference!

After seeing the video I have couple of questions for Andy (I bow at you, supreme :worship: ) about room ambiency in couple of situations:

1) Recording vocals: looking at the video seems like you put the microphone in the middle of a "normal" room... so you recorded vocals (and backing vocals) with a bit of "natural reverb" coming from room itself: I usually do that for demo situations still getting good results... can be considered good also for "professional stuff"? (Considered that mixing you will add some reverb/delay to the vocals track)

2) Guitar microphoning:same question... with a 57 at a couple inches in front of a 5150 do really the room reflections make some remarcable difference?

P.S.: Of course this applies to a "normal" reharsal room, not a cathedral with incredible echo! :D
So you caught the subliminal flash then haha.

Yeah you know, a bit of room isn't going to hurt, I do most of my vox in the control room now, and you can hear the fans on the hard drives if you listen close, solo'd.

I actually find I can hear the effect of a boxed in gtr more than one recorded with some air to it, so I'll sometimes not worry about dampening too much around the gtr cab, unless I can hear something about the room that I really don't like.
funny seeing myself singing along on the "oh-oh-oh's"... i had forgotten that i even sang along on that... i also spotted some of my old studio gear sitting above the console that i had brought over from my studio for Andy to use. i had forgotten that as well until i watched the clip. funny what a tumor can do your memory.... this helped some pieces fall back in to place and for that Andy, thanks bro!
Nice clip..... BIG Testament and James murphy fan.... he influenced my playing very much. I love The Gathering. Hopefully james will stick around and share some of his engineering/producing experience with us...Sneap And Murphy RULE!!!!