
That's great. I just got into Lights Out finally yesterday, and you're already coming out with a 3rd one. No worries about having to wait ages for a new release at least, what with the live album and the Internet album too...highly appreciated.
Speaking of which, Lights Out is perfect for dark nights like this (and every) one, especially if you're tired. Do you think the atmosphere is going to change to either direction with the new one?
It'll probably sound completely different to Lights Out, but then again I havent heard it yet so I cant really say. Expect something more in the vein of the acoustic bonus tracks from both albums than the actual albums themselves.
Thats deffo in the pipeline mate, its just a question of finding the right time to do it. At the moment (including this next Antimatter and my solo stuff) Im involved in 4 different musical projects, so I have to prioritise them in a practical order. Antimatter is obviously first up cause thats in one month from now. Then the solo album may have to wait a little while longer than I originally planned because a company wouldnt take it on too soon after Anti3. Straight after Anti3 Im compiling a 4 song Virtual video E.P. for .t.k. and then moving onto a 3 piece Liverpool band to get my more aggressive tendencies out in a full live setup. I reckon the solo album will probably be recorded Jan 2005 and released right after.
Mick Moss said:
It'll probably sound completely different to Lights Out, but then again I havent heard it yet so I cant really say. Expect something more in the vein of the acoustic bonus tracks from both albums than the actual albums themselves.

mick thats a nice pile of shite youve there, where you get that one mate?
ikeaboy said:
mick thats a nice pile of shite youve there, where you get that one mate?
Its alright, addo we all know youre special needs when it comes to reading. Just carefully read the paragraph slowly and then take 5 minutes to think about it, then return to the paragraph and read it again. After 20 odd reads it should begin to soak on
