Next album is scheduled for MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY


May 25, 2007

09 Oct 2007 - Studio diary part 1

Children Of Bodom entered the studio and started to record their sixth studio album which is scheduled to be released on April 2nd in 2008. Henkka wrote the first part of a studio diary that will regularly inform you about the recording process.

You can find the first part of it at this location.

Stay tuned for the next parts!
yea, now cross your fingers and hope its released over here at the same time. not to piss in your cake but it probably wont happen.
i know... but its still funny and makes me happy

actually if you think about it it's not wierd at all. Think of all the albums that have been released. One album releasing on your birthday was bound to happen at some time.
well theyll probably have bootlegs on the internet before that april date anyway.
You think it will be delayed that much?

Actually, I believe September'08 would still be a bit idealistic. When you've made it that far, you don't need to hurry anymore -it's not like they need the money to pay rent or something- Allu has 3 badass cars FFS! Anyway, I'd say don't expect anything before early '09.
Actually, I believe September'08 would still be a bit idealistic. When you've made it that far, you don't need to hurry anymore -it's not like they need the money to pay rent or something- Allu has 3 badass cars FFS! Anyway, I'd say don't expect anything before early '09.

oh cmon, this is cobhc, not metallica, HAVE FAITH!
When is Wintersun's album coming out? Thats what I want to know! :D

haven't you heard? Jari's in a battle against time. his quest will take him to the sleeping stars, beyond the dark sun, to seek the starchild. if he doesn't suffer a glorious and beautiful death, a new album will be spawned from the hellfires of his sadness and hate. cerca 2 eons later.
i'm guessing the new cob will come out during summer but april would be cool. the new norther according to thier site is finish though and they're just mixing it so that will be able to help tide me over till the new cob.
haven't you heard? Jari's in a battle against time. his quest will take him to the sleeping stars, beyond the dark sun, to seek the starchild. if he doesn't suffer a glorious and beautiful death, a new album will be spawned from the hellfires of his sadness and hate. cerca 2 eons later.

:lol: Nice one!

The new Norther according to their site is finished though and they're just mixing it so that will be able to help tide me over till the new cob.

Very nice to hear!
I thought Norther would enter the studio around, was I wrong :p btw, what label is going to release it? because the NWB-ep wasn't available here for a long time...

shredtastical, nice Wintersun one :)

And I think the new CoB will be out at the end of may/beginning of june. They appear eager so I don't expect a delay of more then 1-2 months.
Actually COB's first album was released on my birthday...too bad I was 9 at that time :lol:

I do believe the release date will be April 2 or 1 or 2 weeks later unless of course Alexi manages to break something again which I hope won't happen
When is Wintersun's album coming out? Thats what I want to know! :D

A long long time away,Jari has run out of studio time,broke most of his equipment,the CD is too long and won't fit on a commercially available disk,
he is still writing the orchestra part for the album intro,

I think the problem is he's a perfectionist,he spent years writing the first album and its flawless
A long long time away,Jari has run out of studio time,broke most of his equipment,the CD is too long and won't fit on a commercially available disk,
he is still writing the orchestra part for the album intro,

I think the problem is he's a perfectionist,he spent years writing the first album and its flawless

Even though I don't like his music, I've got to have respect for his dedication.