Next Manilla Road album cover revealed!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Holy smokes!!!
Killer artwork.
Much better than Playground of the Damned, but not as epic as Voyager.

What matters is that the album will smoke!!!

Recording has finished.
I believe they are using a different studio this time to mix.

Right now, it is scheduled for Feb 2013.
Vinyl on High Roller.
CD on Shadow Kingdom.


Wouldn't a CD Release party at Ragnarokkr be just brilliant??????????
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I agree with Bob on this one. It's just okay artwork. Manilla Road is odd, because they have about equally awful album covers as good ones. Jason - I also love the one for Voyager. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this album. Over the last year or so, I have been periodically getting more of their back catalog.
My Dying Bride's another one that has either good or bad covers.

My favorite of theirs:

And then there's this, which is just all over the fucking place:
Didn't Manilla Road put out an album earlier this year, and also a Hellwell album? If they're going to throw so many albums out there so fast I'd be worried about quality control.

Playground of the Damned came out last year.

All I know and care is that Manilla Road has been active again full time for the past few years now, and that makes me happy in the pants.

Don't like it? Stay in your room researching unknown 80s German bands!
(oh wait, you do that everyday!!!) :)
Don't like it? Stay in your room researching unknown 80s German bands!
(oh wait, you do that everyday!!!) :)

No, I usually research unknown '90s German bands. I think by now I know almost all of them anyway. I'm just waiting for someone to rip some old demos and upload them. Man, when will demos by Ender or Revolt be uploaded...