Nf Metal Legion Video News Attention

They are available now at FREDS and URBAN SOUND sometime today. The price is a tiny bit higher $10 but that's because they take a profit and we hardly recieve any money. But, it's for the METAL SCENE in St.john's and if that's what it takes so be it. If you want it directly through NEWFOUNDLAND METAL LEGION RECORDS send an email to for $6

Thanks for your support
a friend of mine bought the video and the picture quality was tracking what-so-ever.

has anyone else had this problem? My copy works fine and in any case, it rules...

Good Job
I tested the vid on my TV as well as several others including Jesse’s and the volume was fine.

The volume on the interviews is lower than the music. The simple fact is that in the interviews the bands aren’t ripping it up with live music.

Lower the interviews are, but inaudible they are not. I don’t think my TV has magical volume controls. Turn up the volume past 10.


- Chris
Originally posted by cbm
I tested the vid on my TV as well as several others including Jesse’s and the volume was fine.

The volume on the interviews is lower than the music. The simple fact is that in the interviews the bands aren’t ripping it up with live music.

Lower the interviews are, but inaudible they are not. I don’t think my TV has magical volume controls. Turn up the volume past 10.


- Chris

I did have my TV volume on MAX, as far as it can go. The live band sound is audible but the interviews are 90% inaudible. Especially the ones from outdoors.
Mic`s would have been the ultimate but for 300$ i dont think we can complain. the interviews are low but i think its the fact that people tend to mumble when faced by a camera.