NG site is back...

Jun 1, 2001
Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech
New address -> update ur links:


Hey Nord, i noticed that there's no place on the internet where i can get full wallpaper of Nightingale's albums! Could you possible make 1024*768 size wallpapers of "I" and the others?? That would kick ass! Oh again, sweet job on the site, i already bookmarked it! ;)
Originally posted by JesterOfDeath
Hey Nord, i noticed that there's no place on the internet where i can get full wallpaper of Nightingale's albums! Could you possible make 1024*768 size wallpapers of "I" and the others?? That would kick ass! Oh again, sweet job on the site, i already bookmarked it! ;)

I have a better idea...
I can enlarge Dag's ass, will be look crazy nice on every screen!

OhmyGod, stunning work on the new design! Finaly a site that is worthy for the best band on this planet. Fuckin` hilarious picture of Dan you`ve got there... I almost ate my keyboard when scrolling through the posts! I will check your cover on Monday Markus, when Im at school. I`ve got a much faster connection there. I bet it will kick som severe ass!!


Edit: Just checking my own post here, and I find that Monday Markus is one hell of a bandname!! Don`t you guys agree? :lol:
Really nice site CDN!

By the way... I fist thought i saw a picture of Grand Canyon here on the forum, when i realised it was the behind of mr gurgelguff!! Hiss ass is in someway similar to his musicality: broad and wide...