NGD - also need pickup recommendations


Jul 27, 2005
i didn't plan to buy another guitar, but well.....gas is a bitch :D

so, i just bought myself a nice peavey v-type exp, although i have NO idea what exactly it is.
a google search came up with the v-type exp series being made in korea, but those were neck through and had no name tuners, whereas mine's bolt-on and has original gotoh tuners.
that thing plays friggin awesome. the floyd works like a charm, fret access is great all the way up to the 24th fre, despite the bolt on construction. the neck is super comfortable, and did i mention the floyd stays perfectly in tune no matter what? this might actually be the first floyd loaded guitar of mine that will be allowed to have a working trem hehe....

anyways, my only minor gripe so far is the sound. the stock pickups don't seem to be the best.....they're great for 80s style hard rock (cough whitesnake cough), with very forward mids, but only medium output and not enough note definition on the low tuned chugs.

i think i'm gonna get some replacement pickups. any recommendations?
i do NOT want another emg loaded guitar. honestly, i'm getting tired of the emg sound....
i'd like something medium to high output (doesn't really matter with todays high gain amps), pretty forward sounding mids, smooth/detailed highs and tight lows, but most importantly great note definition and responsiveness.
i've been big on dimarzio (my main guitar has a dimarzio tone zone / air norton combo, sounds great), but maybe seymour duncan might also be pretty cool? going by the (low gain rock-ish sounding) clips at their homepage, the SD custom custom might fit the bill.

anyways, pics will be up soon.
any help with ID'ing the exact type of the guitar will be greatly appreciated, too.
any other pickup recommendations?

i want the guitar to really scream and bite when doing lead work, yet retain clarity on palm muted stuff.
I really like the D-Activator, I am just refinishing my Peavey Vandenberg ;)
The V-Type is similar to it, but I changed many things. No trem in there any longer, gets
a Ibanez Gibraltar bridge and a EMG81.

Not sure about the V-Type, but there's enough space for an EMG in my Vandenberg, no
extra routing, if you like the actives

P.S.: seems like I haven't seen the EMG part, sorry dude.

I liked the DiMarzio D-Sonic, too, played it for a few weeks, just started to play more rock/blues
on that guitar and changed it for a Gibson.

well, i already have multiple EMG loaded guitars, and i want to go passive with this one to add some diversity you know? as i said, i already have a dean with dimarzio pickups (tonezone bridge air norton neck) that sounds great. sure, the bass isn't quite as tight, but that's not always the best anyways. the dean sounds very mean yet has great definition, and most of all it's much more responsive to picking strength than any of my EMG loaded guitars.

right now i'm mainly trying to decide between duncan and dimarzio passives. like let's say duncan sh-4, sh-6 vs. dimarzio paf, evolution, steves special.

actually i still have a steves special lying around, maybe i'll just go and try it out, but from what i remember the pickup to be like it's pretty scooped (although very defined, with great string seperation), and i'd really like some screaming mids to make harmonics jump of the fretboard. the guitar plays like a total shred machine, and i want it to sound like that too, but still be able to handle the chugs fine (something i guess the evolution will struggle with, based on the description).
i'm pretty intrigued to try out the sh4 just because mike amott loves that one, and I love his tone hehe.

edit: stef, how did you like the d-sonic? isn't that petruccis new weapon of choice, after the steves special?
really liked the d-sonic, seems like it has more mids than the steve's special and a bit more output
about the evolution: colin (vile guitar player) really digs the evolution, especially for his 7 string.
Imho if you want to have a good sound for chugging, there are better pickups than the evolution,
the d-sonic would fit your description pretty well in my opinion.
A friend of mine owns a V-Type, too, he has an invader in the guitar, not what I am after, but it
doesn't sound that bad.