NGD! Dillion guitars = COOL!


Jun 28, 2009
So here's a funny story...

I had this old Ibanez RG270, which wasn't a bad guitar, but not a great guitar either. It had a great neck though so I picked it up super cheap and sent it off to be refinished with Trogdor The Burninator graphics put on. It was pretty cool...until I realized that he spelled just about everything on the guitar wrong. Plus the paint was chipping and the whole thing was a mess. So, there it sat in its case for about two years.

Well, this weekend I swapped a guy my Ibanez for his Dillion PRS knock-off. It's actually a pretty cool little guitar. It plays surprisingly well and actually sounds pretty good. It's a far cry from my Caparison or Ibanez Prestige, but considering I paid $150 for the RG and $100 for the paint job...for the $250 I've got into it it's pretty awesome. I've got some Gotoh tuners that I'll throw on it and I'll probably dump some Duncans in at some point. In case anyone is looking for a cool guitar that's relatively inexpensive with a PRS kind of vibe, Dillion gets two thumbs up from me. Definitely cooler than the PRS SE line...and cheaper as well.

Cell phone pics


Sweet dude, but I'm heartbroken the Trogdor guitar is gone (misspellings and all :lol: )

Oh me too man. I thought about having it re-done...but it had gotten to the point where I would have to spend more money on it than it was really worth. It had just been sitting in the case, so this way I've got another guitar that I'll actually play...and can throw some cool passive pickups in it and make a cool rock guitar out of it.
Yeah man, I'd love to have a crunch machine lying around, may have to investigate at some point (after I get a Roadster :D)