|ngenius - a robot's birthday


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
a few years ago, on this very day, the brand new A-6894 "|ngenius" model was manufactured in a single specimen in a factory somewhere down in spain. he said 'hi' to the engineers, left the factory and went drinking.
to celebrate this event, join me in a day of wild parties, reckless drunkness and rather free sexuality (although when it comes to that i don't actually mean "join me", ok? :rolleyes: ). it's all on the robot.
Happy birthday!

Or in other words: Happy manufacturing day dear robot! :wave:

Happy manufacturing day from me too, my metallic
friend :)

Here is a ticket for a nice oil bath, combined with the
rust removal and nuts & bolts checkup, have fun :)

Happy Birthday!!
@Rahvin: When I was created, my first words weren't "hi", of course. I started rambling on in an unstoppable and pointless speech about something related to penguins and koalas. After some fixing processes, my first coherent words were: "Where's the booze?! And the girls?!?". Then the engineers,in a moment of clarity, considered the decision of buying a finnish CPU a highly regretable fact. :Smug:

In any case, I gladly join you in those wild parties you talked about. This is the (second? third?) time Rahvin starts a birthday thread for me, this is something also remarkable. That sexual allusion was suspicious, though...

@Arch: Hail, brother of metal, whatever that might mean. Thank you.

@Nick: Thank you, but I'm not sure if the dinner with my family is the best situation to get drunk. My grandmother would get scared. :rolleyes:

@wildfyr: Thank you very much. Are the winds blowing for good? ;)

@Wazoo: You can join us (it involves Rahvin and me, so far) and enjoy of the wild parties Rahvin promised. But you know, there's a golden rule you must respectfully ponder about and follow if possible: you can't hit the ground with your head as you use to do in the DT gigs, ok? :D Kidding, thank you!

@Jester: Borthdays are some sort of passion to me. Thank you!

@Villain: 1010101000011001, so 110101 and please, 10010101. Your wishes are quite appreciated, my friend. :)

@Salamy: What can I say? We're two unemployeed men wandering the world, so you know how much I do appreciate that bath of oil if it comes from you. Thank you! ;)

@Thanatos: Te amo tantísimo... digo... gracias, mi dulce perita mexicana, si tan sólo pudiera compartir este maravilloso día con tu persona, tus deseos se tornarían una magnífica realidad. Ah, y el trabajo no es demasiado problema, o al menos no uno especialmente grave. La distancia que nos separa sí lo es, no puedo soportar la lejanía que desgarra mi existencia... ehmm... lo dicho, gracias!!

@Hilj: Thank you, leave the gifts on the table, I'll check them out later. :)

|ng (Thank you all!!!) :hotjump:
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Happy Birthday :)

Have some premium oil
I use the low grade oil for the spam machine :)

So, what type of oil do you need andwaY? synthetic 5W-30? Or something thick like 90W130 gear lube
Happy birthday, robotman!

Here's a pet robot mousecreature for you... :)

Have a wonderful day!!!!! :)