Nice! Now what?


Maid of Metal
21/f/brisbane aussie here. Was intoxicated by metal a little while back and can't think for the life of me why it took so long. Lamb of God have been 'around' me for a while but I've fallen in total adoration for Opeth of late.

Question is, If you could pick a favourite of all the artists in the genre -as in the kind of band that makes you want to surgically impose a love of into every person on the planet, who would it be? I'm here to learn! reccomendations?
Hey and welcome.

Maybe you should start with old Metallica such as Ride The Lightning. check out anything by Slayer, check out Death, move on to Carcass and Morbid Angel. try also Cradle Of Filth, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir. And just in case you're a NU Metal fan, check out Static - X
^The last sentence fucked the entire post :(
ivry91 said:
Hey and welcome.

Maybe you should start with old Metallica such as Ride The Lightning. check out anything by Slayer, check out Death, move on to Carcass and Morbid Angel. try also Cradle Of Filth, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir. And just in case you're a NU Metal fan, check out some real metal
mmm lamb of god are from me city... seen em around town a fair bit
Nemesis_lxix said:
^The last sentence fucked the entire post :(

Hey! i was trying to be a gentalman! :p

Fine fine i stand corrected....If you see ANYTHING labled NU Metal..please do us all a favor and burn it.
ivry91 said:
Hey! i was trying to be a gentalman! :p

Fine fine i stand corrected....If you see ANYTHING labled NU Metal..please do us all a favor and burn it.
That’s the spirit !
Mike27 said:
i like some nu metal...

static x, not so much.
I think its mostly banging music with no real point.
I guess its not that bad as it sounds but still there are so many good bands out there that its almost a pity wasting time on anything else.
haha! No NU metal, got it. you're making whatever it is sound like the plague of the metal world!

Nemesis_lxix said:
Hey,welcome to um.
You look terribly pretty if I may say.:oops:
You know there is a recommendation thread you may need to check out.
HEHEH!!! aww! you may say :oops: *hide* THANKS!! That's exactly what I'm after :D

mmm lamb of god are from me city... seen em around town a fair bit

You lucky bugger :p The one thing I'm finding that sets me totally apart from -well, everyone here, is that I've never been to a metal concert before and I would have loved my virgin experience to go to Opeth but I only got into it ..not even months after they played au! I'm so cut :(

Chaosmongirl said:
Welcome! I'd make you listen to Voivod...but you'd probably hate that!
One thing you learn about people through life is to never assume! hehehe. I'll have to see what they're about first. I have a hell of a spectrum for what I like. ...I'm sure if I mention anything in my CD wallet right now I'll have STONES thrown at me... STONES!!! but then... I could never tell. most of them are just dusty now anyway. haha

I'm just totally extatic. It's like I descovered some huge elite secret finding these guys... it's like I'd never heard real music before this. It's something I can be absorbed into, relate to, it speaks with a real voice. I have no idea if anyone else feels that way but man, it's the BEST DRUG EVER.