Nice Reverb unit for tracking vocals


Sep 28, 2003
When tracking vocals at the studio i do need some reverb unit. Listening to dry vocals drives singers mad. What woukd you guys suggest ? There´s a spl mtc and a samson cque8 at the studio so i think it will integrate easily.
i gave the issue a little more thought and i can´t find a useable solution for the situation.

The goal is to put reverb on the vocals when the singer is tracking.

The studio configuration is:

avalon 737 into m-audio 1814 (upgrade soon) into spl monitor controller into the headphone amp.

I´ve been trying to place the reverb somewhere...

There´s no analog mixer...

Anyone ?
_RiseInside_ said:
i gave the issue a little more thought and i can´t find a useable solution for the situation.

The goal is to put reverb on the vocals when the singer is tracking.

The studio configuration is:

avalon 737 into m-audio 1814 (upgrade soon) into spl monitor controller into the headphone amp.

I´ve been trying to place the reverb somewhere...

There´s no analog mixer...

Anyone ?

can the 1814 pass the mic's input to one of the output channels as you're recording without including the playback tracks? if so you could do some foolery with dual to single 1/4" summing adapters and patch in a reverb unit while recording the dry take instead of the wet one. it doesn't sound like fun to set it up, but it might work? heh
_RiseInside_ said:
i gave the issue a little more thought and i can´t find a useable solution for the situation.

The goal is to put reverb on the vocals when the singer is tracking.

The studio configuration is:

avalon 737 into m-audio 1814 (upgrade soon) into spl monitor controller into the headphone amp.

I´ve been trying to place the reverb somewhere...

There´s no analog mixer...

Anyone ?

Do you have the SPL [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] MTC 2381? [/FONT]If you do, just run your input chain as you are now but asign the vocals to a different output than the rest of the mix. Then plug the vocal out into your verb and then plug that into the "musician" input on the SPL.
Depending on the routing flexibility w/ the 1814 you may be able to send the vocals to BOTH the regular mix and a seperate output so that you could monitor the dry vocals and mix in verb for the singer thru the 'musician' input.
egan. said:
Do you have the SPL [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] MTC 2381? [/FONT]If you do, just run your input chain as you are now but asign the vocals to a different output than the rest of the mix. Then plug the vocal out into your verb and then plug that into the "musician" input on the SPL.
Depending on the routing flexibility w/ the 1814 you may be able to send the vocals to BOTH the regular mix and a seperate output so that you could monitor the dry vocals and mix in verb for the singer thru the 'musician' input.

thankx for bringing this issue again. I had forgotten it since i figured out a solution.

Egan, you´re right, as usual. Carrier Flux also got it right.

Yes it´s the mtc 2381. I got it now and it made possible putting reverb on vocals. the interface allows sending vocals both in the regular mix and a separate output. :)