Nicko jams with Aja and Wanda!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
:hotjump: Aja and Wanda got to jam with NICKO the other night at the Joint in Hollywood!!!! DAMN!!!! I also ran into Nicko at the NAMM show over the weekend and he was a complete sweetheart!!!! He even introduced me to his people at Premier drums and other friends that came by. He would say "This is Linda from The Iron Maidens, and she plays MEEEE!!!!!!! Can't you tell we were separated at birth?" F**king hilarious!!! I gotta say, when that man is on, he is on! Wish I had 10% of his people skills! And even 1% of his drumming skills! Damn!!!!!!!! I hawkeyed his playing at that jam and I am in even more awe of his playing now that I've seen him play so close up!!!!!! I've seen him play at arenas and stuff, but never stage side. He played some Bad Company and the most awesome rendition of War Pigs I've ever witnessed! Even broke out a funk groove in the middle of that one!!! I just about crapped myself watching his foot. :dopey: There was a double pedal there on the kit but he only used it for fun and embellishment. He didn't need it with a right foot like that!!!!! :worship: :worship::worship: Amazing shit!!!!!!!!!!!! I think there are pics on the way. I wish I could play that night but was the camera girl instead, not to mention there was a much better qualified drummer on the kit!!!!! :headbang: BTW, they played The Trooper and Wrathchild! Woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D



Very amazing thing going on, it's kinda' cool. Yea, but I was watching him on the RIO DVD, it's like he has drums all around him and up above, it's like a cage ride on the Zipper, I was very impressed, it looked like alot of fun. It all just reminded me of the calibar of music I grew up with, and at that time they were all skilled and it was expected, but I'm not too sure about some of the new stuff out now; I'm glad Maiden is still at it, otherwise, the music world I'm afraid to say, would just be a bore.
I was nervous about my first meeting with a Maiden man but he was so kind and friendly, he put us all at ease, inviting us to join him at his table and hang out! How cool is that?

It was a pretty surreal experience. I would turn around expecting to see an itty bitty brunette WOMAN and instead I'm seeing this blonde guy, grinning and slamming away on those tubs! :kickass:

After the Trooper, he jumped up from behind the kit, gave me a big hug and told me I sounded great! :eek: I'll treasure that compliment forever.

Seeing and hearing him doing his thing up close and personal was incredible, and let me tell ya, to feel the power from the inside of the music instead of the outside, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oo-oh!!!!!!! :D
Yes it’s a rare privilege indeed, not doubt about it.., enjoy it and use it on your portfolio... I've never herd of a tribute band that got to hang out with their idols, not Rush, ZZ Top or any of 'em.. It’s cool, like I know some tribute bands have very talented and well trained musicians, but I don’t think their idols even know who they are, but what do I know?
We had such a lovely time visiting with Nicko ~ he was so sweet and friendly. I still can't quite believe we had the incredibly good fortune of actually having an opportunity to play with him. But.. for those of you who think we always have all the luck...quite honestly, I had some technical difficulties once on stage ..that along with the fact that Nicko was there made me really nervous so I wasn't thinking as clearly as I normally do... but Nicko was an absolute darling about the whole ordeal...I just wish he could have went to our House of Blues show the next evening. Rumor has it that he may visit LA again soon...let's cross our fingers ;) .
How cool is that? Jamming with one of the best ever! :OMG: I envy you girls!
Nicko is my hero with a 1100cc right foot :D CONGRATS, GIRLS!

Now please please please come back to Sacramento! I NEED a Maidens show soooo bad!!

much love,
Steph Harris said:
Unfortunately, due to short notice, not all of us were able to change our schedules around for this special event. JoJo and Sara had other commitments that evening but they got to meet Nicko at the NAMM show on Saturday.
I didn't know he was there. Wish I would have known, that would have been cool to see. For the most part I see the same faces every year there.

Air Raid Siren said:
He had a signing on Fri. which is when Linda and the rest of the band saw him. We heard he was there as we were leaving on Sat. Wish we had known sooner so we could've steered ya in that direction!!

Actually I didn't see him at any signing. I ran into him walking the halls by Premeir Drums and he stopped to chat. :Spin: And every time I went to one of my endorsing companies they'd always say.....Nicko was just here. Did you see him? Happily I was able to say I already did this time. :headbang:
Air Raid Siren said:
My bad there, Nikki! He mentioned at the jam that he would be there on Fri for a signing and I just assumed that's where you ran into him. But you know what they say when you ASSuME......:oops:

No problemo Aja! Many xoxoxoxo's to you!!!!! What a looong weekend we had! I believe it was a 5-day weekend!!! o_O