Nick's Random Musings and Creations of Sheer Boredom

Hey buddy I can understand the need to vent! :) As for your situation; just do what you think is the right thing and see how it works out. After all its your life, right?

Talk to you again! :wave:
Holy Shit Nick thats alot ... hahaha I agree with you about the Wrestling as I am the same way ... I look around at all my buddies and I can plan out entire matches their Gimmicks the whole nine yards its crazy aint it! ... I look at being a wrestling fan as being like a Heavy Metal Fan once you are one your one for life and 90% of the ppl out there will never get it .. I'm glad to Hear Wrestlmania was fun ..I prolly woulda peed myself hahaha ....

Nick Girls are insane ..."A.) She's spoiled, and B.) when you tell her something, she completely and utterly disregards and ignores any information she doesn't like and keeps only the stuff she likes. " Ya remember my X that description works perfectly hahaha .. Dont Feel ashamed dude what ever ya do dont even worry its just a stupid chick most of em are ... With exception to our Lovely Ladies Here at UMOS we have the Cream of the Crop! :grin:
dude, unfortunatly, i, too, know what its like to not have the most successful love life
sorry.....but yeah, you know what, just hang in there. I cant say what it feels like to like some one as much as you did, much less break up with them, but ive been blown off by about a hundred chicks, and boy oh, does it suck, but you know what? you just need to hang in there buddy. I think that some one as cool as you will definately meet some one that is PERFECT for them, so you just wait, it will happen. So just keep tryin, and you know what? fuck that bitch, if shes too selfish to not be able to see past her own fucking wants, then you dont need her. dude, youre WAY too good for her (thats what it sounds like) you'll find some one WAY better, that will do anything possible to be with you, but wont blame you for not being able to see you. You'll find that special some one, just hang in there.

but yeah, enough of me repeating the same message over and gonna get to class. Nick, you keep the horns up, dont lower em for ANYBODY, keep the faith dude....rock on :wave: :rock:
I can write a long speech, but I tend to get incoherent by writing and I also tend to talk a lot (monologue if you know what I mean).

So basically WC I can say is:

1) thanks for sharing so many important things and consider us "family" enough to know them

2) women came and go. One day you will definitively fall in love (I mean utterly stupidity of the senses), who with luck is going to be Mrs. Child. Until then don't walk away from the experiences life put in your way, better to learn them while you're young than at my age :D

3) as for family...we don't chose them. So acdept them as they came, take the good thwy give and be strong with the bad. Grow learning the experiences to be better than it was show to us, and construct your own family in due time based on the best you know and want.

Take care, we love you :wave:
Wicked Child. Damn. 20 freakin' years old???? If I knew then what I know now! haha Anyways, I read all your post and thought you might need a little love from your favorite Uncle Ted!!

First Boy can I relate. I am 31 and my father has gone apeshit. He's an alcoholic who's gone bankrupt due to gambling and lost 2 houses and his job. My mom divorced him and he's pretty much lost me too. And my wife and child. Does he care? Nahhhhhhhhh. Drink drink drink! Oh I hear you and feel your pain. It sucks. But that's why there's a volume knob. Drown that shit out with some loud music. I know it's metal all the way for you but my current favorite "feel like shit" music is SOCIAL DISTORTION, baby! It'll cure what ails ya!!! "Take away this ball and chain" does it every time.

Women. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man. That's a freakin' book right there. I'll say this. Be true to yourself and the women will come. Even though she was your first, it don't mean she was the ONE. If she is the one, she may realize that she's been a bit tough on you and even see the err of her ways and come a callin' at your door....if not...think FREEDOM. Just remember it's better to be yourself and have a girl like you or hate you then to be somebody else and have them like you or hate you...

finally, keep your chin up. Uncle Ted's here if you need him. I don't know what your hobbies are outside of metal but maybe it's time to heed the call of the wild!! Grab a fishin' pole, a bow or a gun and get out there and hunt some critters!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing lifts the spirits like catching and eating your own food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR grow tomaters! I do that too!

Love ya like a great white buffalo!
Uncle Ted
Your birthday... that blows...I know exactly how you feel there.

If I could conceivably do it.. I'd drive my ass all the way out there and get drunk with you despite the fact I don't even know you.
Well fuck me! I used edit on my original post for this thread, to use as a guide for this new post, and all i was gonna do was copy, press back, and paste this in a new post. What did i do? I pressed save my reply!!!! ARGGHHH!!!! S, the first post is GONE!!! Oh well.

Allow me to provide an update on the update on my life, for those who care.

I had my interview for the on air shift and i'm optimistic about it. Just the fact that they actually gave the the interview this time is a good sign! We'll see in about a week if i got the shift or not and when i'll be on.

Not a week after breaking up with my girlfriend, my best friend Ali's girlfriend wants to hook me up with this friend of hers. When i was in high school, i did technical theater(AKA: the crew that does all the hard work, like building the sets, setting the props, lightning, special FX, etc.) and i still have friends doing that, as well as actor friends, so after two years of bein graduated, i still attend the closing night shows, to see the crew get their proper credit after the show and for the traditional cast and crew party. Well, i was to meet this mystery girl there. This was last night(Saturday).All i've known about her this whole week was that her name is Carolina(pronounced Caroleena), she's Lebanese, big brown eyes, long dark hair, lushious lips,she thinks she's fat and ugly and she thinks i'm really hot. That's all i knew. And when we finally met........ :OMG: holy mother of pearl, she is drop dead GORGEOUS!!!! How can SHE be interested in ME!? And how can she think she's fat and ugly!? Total disbelief. Anyway, It went ok, except i'm not all that confident about how i presented myself. Then again, it didn't really help that i ALWAYS had friends around me and couldn't get away from them. See, Erin(Ali's girlfriend) drove us and a couple more of her friends to one of the bigger teenage hang out spots, the Vinaka coffee shop. It just didn't feel right. But i must have done something right, as i got her number at the end of the night! She seems like a very nice personality, too. That helps.:grin: I think it's too soon to tell whether i like her or not, but initial feelings are good. :) We'll see where this goes, if anywhere.

My 20th birthday was by leaps and bounds better than my 19th, by far. I was happy. I got all of my closest friends, and we went to Hooters. Wow, you GOTTA love all those.............................buffalo wings.:loco: Then we had cake, played Basketball, said our goodbyes, and there ya go. The downside of the week though was that my boy Ali, who's been in Saudi Arabia visiting family for the last month was supposed be home this Thursday, but apparently, you need a Saudi passport to leave the country, which he doesn't have, so he's stuck there until he gets it. We were supposed to hang out the whole day, see Star Wars, watch wrestling, crank up the metal, get drunk, what have you, but nope. He's still in Dune Town. I'll say it, i miss him.:erk: My brother also came down on Saturday and i always look forward to that. I love my brother to death. Always have, always will.

School's over! For now! I do have to come back for the fall, but for now, no more. Not until late Augest. How did i do on my finals? I can't tell ya, but i will say i don't feel too good on a couple of them. Pretty damn sure i failed math, AGAIN.:erk:

Well, enough of my senselss, useless blathering, again. Well, now i'm gonna go read some more of Batman:Strange Apparitions and then maybe think about going to sleep. Night!:Spin: