Nightbringer - Death and the Black Work


Mar 1, 2004

Album is finally coming soon, pre-order available for CD from Full Moon Productions. 3-Vinyl Boxset licensed to Forever Plagued Records, this version will actually have bonus material (2 additional songs)


Feast of the Manes (FMP Direct Link)

Nightbringer Myspace
Got this in the mail today, although I've only gotten to listen to it on my way to work it sounds fucking great. Eerie, dark and occult stuff.
Hm, I probably should have put this in the recommendations sub-forum.. then again maybe not.

Looking forward to listening to this, hopefully my copy will be in the mail as well today.
never listened to this band but i heard the new one is already AOTY on some lists ...

what can i expect?
I've heard much the same but I haven't had an opportunity to listen to it yet, haven't really been keeping up with new releases these days.
holy crap ... into the first track only but this is some serious shit!

super layered and chockfull of horror ... Axis of Perdition, Portal, Deathspell Omega all come to mind ... but this is more cohesive and somehow more majestic.

great stuff ... how have we passed this by?

Max especially should eat this up.
I've only checked out two tracks thus far, but I'll take this over DSO any day. Far more stable than that pots and pan banging bullshit. Grandiose cover art as well. Multiple listens have been earned.

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Heard these dudes for the first time last week. Holy fuck it rules. Does Colorado black metal count? They have lots of snow.