Nightmare - Genetic Disorder

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Nightmare – Genetic Disorder
Regain Records - 2007
By Adam McAuley


Crunchy, vibrant playing overlaps the approach that Nightmare take through this album show passion for their wares. They display reasonable waves of emotion and this makes for an exciting sway to their moments. A mechanical vibe does simultaneously make its way into their sound as well, giving for a certain character to Nightmare’s sound. They have a crisp aura to what they offer, making them more adaptable then many other power metal bands, for example. Track 7 offers a nice buildup and moments of intermission towards the end making it one of the standouts on the album.

Otherwise, the band is quite enjoyable, but they aren’t any near spectacular in any department. The musical background performances are solid, with guitar playing that delivers crunchy riffing, but not virtuostic types of potential. The band thus are one that people from the aforementioned genre might look at from a more straightforward standpoint or relate them slightly to a heavy metal view as well. They are certainly no less of a worthy contendor regardless as their stingy sounds are more than venerable enough on their own. They don’t display the negative themes that the name Nightmare would suggest at times as there is a relatively upbeat aura to the platter, but perhaps the slight in-frequencies to the rest of the power metal genre are what might be suggested by the title.

However, they should be checked out by anyone looking for music with a powerful tone and that’s fun to become addicted towards. Nightmare are a reasonably strong act, but not anything completely stellar by any margin.

Official Nightmare Website
Official Regain Records Website