Nightmare Records site back online -Save 15%


The Nightmare Has Begun..
Come check it out, some great new music in stock

Please note, if you had an account on our site before, you'll need to set that up again!

will take us a bit to get everything entered and updated, so keep checking back!

Also for the cool cat's that check this forum, use this discount code
and receive 15% off your next purchase. " NightmareRocksPPIX! "

maybe we'll update it for this year and say PPX ;)
While you're browsing the Nightmare Records store, don't forget to pick up a copy of the latest Halcyon Way album, A Manifesto For Domination! You'll be glad you did! :headbang:

Also, you can download a couple of free tracks that are different from the album versions by heading over to and entering the code DOMINATION! :headbang:
