Nightwish at Wacken 2008

St Enigma

Sep 11, 2005
Nightwish played last night Sat Aug 2. headlining one of the two main stages on the last day of Wacken 2008 festival.

You can view awesome pro shot footage about Nw at Wacken on Youtube by clicking here :rock:

Edit: The Wacken clips on YouTube were removed by the uploader, but pay a visit at his website ;)

Cool footage, I still get caught off guard by some of Annett's adaptations of the old stuff to fit her voice, but I think she does a really good job with it.

Yep she is doing better at it now than in some of the earlier footage.

Siren is growing on me, even though the ethereal elements Tarja's voice suited them a bit better, EverDream the "felt" is right at her vocal breaking point, but IMHO Dark Chest suits her voice better than it did Tarja.

My one gripe is on Bye Bye near the end can someone on the board please turn her mic down when she is doing the "backing" vocals. Jeeze she drowns out Marco. Maybe they need a "background" mic for her.

I'd love to ask Tuomas how he feels about the follow up album. Obviously way too early but, considering DPP he wrote with no clue as to the vocalist, all the drama, and pressure, how does he feel going in since he has the whole team onboard for the next one.

Probably far more relaxed to just concentrate on the music.

pics from Wacken 2008:



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