Nightwish - Century Child

nightwish is on the top20 album list here in norway, hehe. their music is really popular over here.
alot of great metal is on the music lists here in norway nowadays. both satyricon and in flames are also on the top20 album list.
This is what I have to say......

:headbang: :loco: :)

AWESOME!!! Can't stop listening to it. Incredible album.

I can only dream of a place where Nightwish is on the top 20 and popular. Wow! I HATE the music on the radio in the USA. Nu-metal talent garage bands...that in the 80's would have never gotten out of the garage....:mad: Maybe we can change it with bands like Power Quest.....:)

The quest must continue to enlighten the young ones with good sounding metal..... :headbang: :Shedevil:
I agree with Weekend Warrior. "Wishmaster" is there masterpiece, although I like "Oceanborn"and Century Child" and "Over The Hills And Far Away" alot too. All those albums absolutely rock!!!!!! I think they are ALL masterpieces now that I think about it. :)

Therion likes ABBA too considering they've done 2 remakes that I know of, so that's good enough for me!!!!!! Hehehehehe....