Nightwish Opener?


Marching with Mephisto
Dec 6, 2006
Hey, I've been looking around to see who the opening acts will be when Nightwish comes to Masquerade next month. I had tickets to see them awhile back when they toured with Paradise Lost, but plans changed last minute, and I'd love to see them paired with an interesting opener. In any case, it will be awesome to finally see them live. Anyone have any ideas on who is playing with them?
Thanks for the speedy response everyone! Can anyone suggest an album (or more particular, a few favorite tracks) that I can get into them with? I've only heard one song by them "The Garden's Tale" off their myspace, and the vocalist sounded a bit like Cher. I know there's got to be more :).
Thanks for the speedy response everyone! Can anyone suggest an album (or more particular, a few favorite tracks) that I can get into them with? I've only heard one song by them "The Garden's Tale" off their myspace, and the vocalist sounded a bit like Cher. I know there's got to be more :).

if you didn't like Garden's Tale, then there may not be much hope for you getting into Volbeat. Most of their stuff is like that- Volbeat is basically a punk rock band (alot of people will argue this with me i'm sure)

Still, check out Rock the Rebel/Metal the Devil. that album is addictive. favorite tracks- Mr. & Mrs. Ness, Garden's Tale, Devil or the Blue Cat's Song, Radio Girl, Human Instrument, A Moment Forever, BOA...fuck, thats more than half the album. the whole album is amazing, IMO.

the Nightwish/Volbeat pairing is an odd one. its like if Rhapsody went on tour with Social Distortion as their direct support

as for the vocalist sounding like Cher, either I need to check out some Cher or you need to clean the shit out of your ears and listen better :lol:

(j/k on that 'clean the shit out of your ears' comment. I know Volbeat isn't for everyone) :)
Definately "Rock the Rebel/Metal the Devil". So many awesome tracks. The new cd is also very good. Volbeat is the reason I'm roadtripping from Chicago to St. Louis.
Well, I can only afford to go to one of the Masquerade May shows, so it's gonna have to be a band I haven't seen before, like Testament. I'd love to see Volbeat, but I could honestly do without seeing Anette singing for Nightwish again.
Looks like they are the opener on their calendar!

Hey, I've been looking around to see who the opening acts will be when Nightwish comes to Masquerade next month. I had tickets to see them awhile back when they toured with Paradise Lost, but plans changed last minute, and I'd love to see them paired with an interesting opener. In any case, it will be awesome to finally see them live. Anyone have any ideas on who is playing with them?
got an email from the Masquerade yesterday with upcoming events and it FINALLY listed Volbeat as the opener for Nightwish!!
From Oceansouls of America Nightwish fan site:
OK everyone, I promised I'd post when I heard from John Two-Hawks' webmaster. He e-mailed this morning. The news is up at the OSA site in "The Escapist" section. You all are lucky folks in Louisville and St. Louis.

Meaning that John Two-Hawks will appear at Louisville and St. Louis shows for Creek Mary's Blood which they never play without John. \m/
