
OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005

The gang blew the lid off Nokia Theater last night. A near sellout crowd went nuts over Nightwish's first NYC appearance in 3 years. The setlist for this show was similar to Trocadero's. How do I know this? Because I got me a setlist! The gang came out at 10:20 PM. The setlist was as follows:

1) Intro
2) Bye Bye Beautiful
-Anette speaks
3)Dark Chest of Wonders
4)Ever Dream
-Marco speaks
5) Amaranth
6) The Islander (the ultimate out of body experience live!)
7) The Poet and the Pendulum
8) She is My Sin
-Anette Speaks
9) Sahara
10)Whoever Brings the Night
11) Sleeping Sun
-Marco speaks
12) Slaying the Dreamer
13) Nemo

14) Eva (On Setlist but omitted due to time constraints)
15) Wishmaster
-Anette and Marco speaks
16) Wish I Had an Angel

-Marco speaks about Vintage Vinyl event before the finale.

Don't you wish you were there?

Ray C.
I don't wish I was there, BECAUSE I WAS. It was absolutely mindblowing.

Also notable was that someone was handing out flyer-ads for Tarja's new album outside the venue. I had a brief chat with her (after exclaiming "that's below the belt there") and she said she was just paid to do it. Still, kinda weird.

I also got a flag and a signed poster. And they seriously needed to sort out the VIP section a lot better. And Paradise lost was pretty good as the opener, but they were a tad bit slow to warm people up and I didn't know their stuff. Still, I will be checking them out now. And I need to shut up now before I type for an hour. I'll probly write a full review on the morning.
Ray i edited your post because i was given some news to the contrary, so i'm not sure how true it was. IM me in a few days when i get home and i'll give you the details as i was told them. Either way, it's not the kind of thing that belongs on the forum. The last thing we want is to start rumors. You know how those can take off.

As for the New York concert itself, we had to bail during Sleeping Sun because of time constraints (damn new jersey transit. we all should have just stayed at my house :p) , but yeah the concert was great and the energy level was through the roof. I'll talk about this whole Nightwish week in more depth when i get home in a few more days. In the mean time, we'll see whomever will be there, at Vintage Vinyl.
Ray i edited your post because i was given some news to the contrary, so i'm not sure how true it was. IM me in a few days when i get home and i'll give you the details as i was told them. Either way, it's not the kind of thing that belongs on the forum. The last thing we want is to start rumors. You know how those can take off.

As for the New York concert itself, we had to bail during Sleeping Sun because of time constraints (damn new jersey transit. we all should have just stayed at my house :p) , but yeah the concert was great and the energy level was through the roof. I'll talk about this whole Nightwish week in more depth when i get home in a few more days. In the mean time, we'll see whomever will be there, at Vintage Vinyl.

Yeah, My bad. The moral of the story is do not post when you are near wasted.

Anyway, regarding Tarja, the RR people were annoyed that Tarja's people were putting things around. As a rule, I kept my mouth shut on the matter. However, as some saw, I was doing a very slow burn.

Ray C.
well what to say...good show...good show...

but there's a few things bothering me.

# 1: anyone who knows anything about singing will know that Anette better get some serious coaching. If she continues to sing like that she will have nodes on her vocal chords within 1 year. Hands down. She is straining her voice and doing things with her voice that are not safe. Sure, it sounds ok when she sings...but nodes will develop 100% if she continues in that fashion. But whatever, if NW wants a singer who will constantly have voice problems then so be it.

# 2: it was obvious that 90% of that NYC audience never saw NW before. Which is fine, but 80% of those 90% were not even people who listen to metal music regularly! I fear that NW has really blurred the line and they are not in the metal category anymore. Which is a shame, because they rock...they don't pose! But if they want to grow I guess posing is a necessary evil.

All in all they sounded good though. I have to say though that NW is Tuomas, Emp, Juk, and Marco. If anyone of those guys leave then NW is so over. It's also obvious from last night that it doesn't matter who the singer is...they will still be good. Tuomas really managed to make it seem that Tarja never existed. I don't know how he did it. But as stated before..Anette's demo was definitely not the BEST one they got.
Yes, Anette needs coaching. She was off-pitch more in NYC than in Philly although not as bad as I expected given the youtube videos. She is pinching her voice a lot which I don't much like listening to and is very uncomfortable to try to sing along to.... but when she opens up her voice for some of the lower notes, it is fantastic. She did an impressive job on Wishmaster (well in Philly, we missed it for NYC due to the damn trains) and I'm glad they rearranged it some to give Marco the heavier parts because she would not have been able to do those. Even still, there were some notes she kinda butchered.

She does strain but I don't expect most people to notice that. She also totally totally overuses some of her stylistic things..they are nice once in a while, but not CONSTANTLY.

However, to say she's going to 100% sure develop nodes is not true at all and the time frame is totally arbitrary.... one woman can develop nodes after singing one run of a musical out of range, some people never develop them.

It is certainly important for her to take care of her voice if it is something she cares about and you would think it would be from a personal and professional level but there are tons of singers out there who wreak havoc on their voices and never develop nodes. I think they are stupid for risking it because if they DO develop nodes that's surgery and something their voices might not recover from to look forward to.

People who don't listen to metal regularly, never been to a NW concert? Dunno what section of the crowd you were in, but I was surrounded by people in metal shirts, rocking out the metal way, who were singing along to all the songs--ESPECIALLY to the old stuff. And they all knew the 'ole' song that I've heard in recordings at other metal concerts and when to shout and such. I also heard lots of people comparing Tarja and Anette.

My main complaint about the concert was the assholes that kept groping and humping me EVEN AFTER I FUCKING ELBOWED THEM OFF. I have never IN MY LIFE screamed at a stranger, but I finally had to turn around to push some guy off me and scream at him to get his hands off. A couple other guys saw and pushed themselves between me and him but later on he found me again. It was fucking ridiculous. At the point we had to leave at Sleeping Sun, I was GLAD -_-
well Zellie I do thank you for your input. It is obvious I am not losing my mind. It's all fun and good until your singer damages their voice. Next thing you know we'll be reading on "NIGHTWISH singer comes down with bronchitis, remaining USA dates cancelled" an effort to cover up that she has damaged her voice.
My main complaint about the concert was the assholes that kept groping and humping me EVEN AFTER I FUCKING ELBOWED THEM OFF. I have never IN MY LIFE screamed at a stranger, but I finally had to turn around to push some guy off me and scream at him to get his hands off. A couple other guys saw and pushed themselves between me and him but later on he found me again. It was fucking ridiculous.
What a loser....sorry you had to deal with kind of distraction :(

That said, if any hot chicks wanna grope & hump me at the Detroit show, I won't stop them :D
Hi all- I am new to Nightwish.. I've known of them for a while but somehow just missed them. I loved Tristania and Sirenia among others so when some free tix came my way for last night's show, I decided to come along with a buddy. I also knew that singers had changed. I really liked Anette's singing and could see she was straining and struggling at times. I wish her well with her voice and I think the current band just plain rocks.

Anyway, I could see how some of the attendance was just enjoying the show but I could also see how many were real hardcore fans. I did have an equally annoying experience, albeit, brief with one fan. I am 5'10" husky and muscular and a guy roughly 6'2" came up to me and asked me if i could "pick him up". When I said that I have a bad back (a lie!) and couldn't pick him up, he said to me, "then what the fuck are you doing here?" I laughed it off but it's guys like that that ruin the concert going experience. Don't get me wrong.. i've been caught in a mosh before, but I was at the back of the floor, clearly with people who didn't want to indulge in it so why start it up there? Gah.. Oh! a quick question, is Dark Passion Play Anette's first-ever Nightwish appearance?

Thanks in advance,
He wanted you to "pick him up"...hmz, maybe he tried to find a gay bar, got lost, and wound up there ;) Yes, Dark Passion Play is Anette's debut with Nightwish, and this is her first tour with them...USA comes first this time
And welcome to the forum!
LOL too funny ! Thanks for the info and the welcome. Reading through the posts I can see this is a great place. :)
I just remember my friend has a ridiculously loud, high-pitched scream. No less then three times, she'd do a scream and other people would join until the entire place was screaming and cheering. Kinda cool. Also, I luckily didn't run into any idiots, except for one girl who was shoving her way to the front at all costs.

I'm still wiped out and my neck still hurts. I also hung up the flag and the signed poster...looks sweet.
LOL too funny ! Thanks for the info and the welcome. Reading through the posts I can see this is a great place. :)

Welcome! Always good to see new people getting introduced to Nightwish.
I have to agree with you, I'm still new to the Nightwish-forum too, but it is great. It's nice how everyone here respects each other's opinion and keeps things civilised :)
Hello everyone. I went to the first four USA shows. I feel compelled to post because I want to calm everyone down about Anette's voice.

In New York I suspected that Anette's voice was a bit tired, but only because I had the previous two shows to compare to. Otherwise I would not have known. The thing that was different in NY was that she sometimes sang lower notes in places where she went up higher the previous days. I could tell she was doing it to avoid straining her voice with notes she was not comfortable with that night. To me that is a good thing because it shows that she can think on her feet to make sure that she sounds good with whatever notes she chooses to sing. Every night she sang the songs a little different than the previous night. She has sounded really good every night.

Her best night might have been show #4 - Worcester, MA. Anette was singing really strong that night - hitting high notes with ease in places she avoided them other nights. I think Anette is just finding her comfort zone and getting used to singing this music every night. The bottom line is that I think you guys are getting worried over nothing!

Review of the shows:
Every night the venues have been completely packed. I was especially interested to see how they would be in Worcester because that is where I saw them previously with Tarja. The energy in the building was higher this time around. :)

After seeing Anette with Nightwish some things become obvious, especially after 4 shows in a week. The first is how happy all the bandmembers are to be onstage together. Some people noticed a disconnect between the band and Tarja on End of an Era for example. That is obviously not an issue now, and it makes a difference. There is a great vibe coming off the stage.

You need to hear Anette sing live, in person to really appreciate what she has done for Nightwish. There is a bit more character to her voice than you can hear if you just listen to the album. And forget youtube videos. Anette has such a bright, clear voice and youtube just muffles the beauty right out of it. My favorite moments are the ballads Eva and especially Sleeping Sun. Her voice is very expressive - you can just feel the emotion pouring out the speakers. And she has a bit of soul in her voice, too! The crowd agreed; she got roaring applause after those two.

Nightwish made the right decision.

A few minutes after the Jaxx show, they set up stools on the floor and told everyone to wait ten minutes for the band to get cleaned up. All the bandmembers came out and signed autographs. I was like fourth in line, which was good because I had a three hour drive ahead of me. From what I understand they stayed around for two hours talking to everybody. I got a setlist, and had the band sign it. I also got pictures with everyone. There was time for me to talk to all the bandmembers. I let them know that I would be following them to Worcester where I saw them last time. They are all very nice people. I asked Anette what language she usually speaks with the band and both she and Tuomas replied English and Swedish, but mostly English. Anette said she's trying to get better at her Finnish.

In between the NY and MA shows I saw After Forever in NH. They played at a sports bar with pool tables in front of like 60 people, and some were the opening bands. That's a big contrast to 2000 people at the Nokia Theatre for Nightwish! But it didn't matter because they were still happy to put on a good show and hang out with the fans afterward. They are all nice people as well. I saw a couple people there that were also going to Worcester the following night.

I have had one hell of a week. :headbang:

P.S. Tramz: I don't understand what you mean about NJ Transit. They have trains from Penn Station as late as 1:37 AM. Or were you taking a bus?
I have had one hell of a week. :headbang:

P.S. Tramz: I don't understand what you mean about NJ Transit. They have trains from Penn Station as late as 1:37 AM. Or were you taking a bus?

Hey C.D.! I know what you mean about it being a hell of a week. It just wrapped up for me today after taking Zellie to the airport (this being the morning after the After Forever concert). 4 great events in one week (3 of them being Nightwish of course). I'll see about posting some pictures and talking about it all once i can sift through everything. In short though, this tour most certainly removed any lingering doubts about how i would feel about Nightwish in this new era. I was also very proud of the fans. Not a single person that i saw or heard had anything negative to say. I was dreading there being at least one loudmouth a-hole at each event with something anti-Anette to say, but well.. at Philly, roses were tossed on stage. No lame commentary could be overheard by myself or from anyone i knew.

As for the NJ Transit business, we had to head back to Teleute's house, which requires the MNE line. The last train is 11:49pm. I think Friday and Saturday run a bit later, but the Nokia date was on Thursday. Oh well what can you do? Jersey hated me for several reasons (mostly to do with messed up traffic accidents). I'm cool with the people, many of my best friends over the years have been from Jersey. But the state itself and the services it offers.. lets just say i'm definitely a New York kind of guy ;]
As for the NJ Transit business, we had to head back to Teleute's house, which requires the MNE line. The last train is 11:49pm. I think Friday and Saturday run a bit later, but the Nokia date was on Thursday. Oh well what can you do?

And this is why I've given up on Public Transportation, ESPECIALLY as it relates to New York City. I took the train to the Philly show for $5 and waited a half hour at the train station waiting for a train while desperately needing a bathroom. I went to the Static-X/Shadows Fall show at the same venue the next night and decided to drive. I was 3 blocks closer, it was a couple bucks cheaper (Per person) and a hell of a lot faster.

As far as NYC goes, I don't go to NYC unless I'm driving or know someone who is driving. All you need to do is get into Manhattan, park at the first garage and walk around. I don't bother with trains going in or out of NYC, just the subway to get around the city if necessary. Otherwise, they're just a nuisance.
I was so proud of myself for driving to/in Philly and surviving! SO not similar to NYC, thank god. Philly ain't bad!
Philadelphia is survivable. Driving in Philly does not bother me anymore. As for NYC, I only feel somewhat comfortable drving in Staten Island or Queens. I avoid Manhattan at all costs.

I wish I could have been there with you all. I had friends I could have hung with at both shows.

Who's up for the show at Starland Ballroom in May?
i wish i could get to Starland Ballroom, but i don't drive. I'll do anything in life but drive. I live in Queens.

If anyone wants to give me a ride I'll pay for gas and buy you a Nightwish t-shirt at the gig!