

Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
I think some of yous may like this band. They come from Bordeaux, France and their style is pretty hard to describe. Here are some of the names people have mentionned as comparisons :
Tool, Deftones, Jeff Buckley, U2, Dredg (I've found some similitudes with Antimatter here and there but maybe it's just me...)
They've released 3 albums so far and here"s a song off their 1st one :

This album, entitled 1.00 A.M, was released in 2000 and the 2 other CD's they've released after are more popish and acoustic. They're planning to realease a 4th and heavier album by the end of 2004 though, and some of you might catch them on tour with The Gathering, in Lyon for instance.
I hope you'll like that stuff and if some of you are interested, I'll upload other songs from this record, it's ok I guess since it's not available for sale anymore.
You can find more information at :
No MP3's unfortunately ...


Feel free to post your opinion about the song :) And feel free to ask for more ! :)
funny, it reminded Gorik of someone too but he was unable to tell me who as well ...
yeah I have more, I can send them to you on MSN unless you can wait for some days, I'll upload another track instead of this one.
This song just sounds great... The voice really sounds like Jeff Buckley sometimes. There is also some "Muse" in this song.

It sounds a little bit like I have heard this song somewhere else but hmmm... I don´t know.:)

The drum doesn´t sound that good... the only negative thing about this song.

I also like their lyrics. (It was the only thing I could understand on this page. My french is crap... :ill: ) They are great. If it is possible to load some more songs up... then do it:worship: .
Hehe that's funny, you're the 3rd person in a row who tells me that you've got a deja-heard impression but you can't remember the band it reminds you of :p
About the drums, are you talking about the drums sound or the drumming itself ? because I really like the touch of the drummer on that album myself, and especially after having seen them live some years ago I was just :OMG: this guy has definitely some feeling on his drumkit.
cedarbreed said:
Hehe that's funny, you're the 3rd person in a row who tells me that you've got a deja-heard impression but you can't remember the band it reminds you of :p
About the drums, are you talking about the drums sound or the drumming itself ? because I really like the touch of the drummer on that album myself, and especially after having seen them live some years ago I was just :OMG: this guy has definitely some feeling on his drumkit.
I was referring to the sound. The cymbals sound strange, but the drumming is very good, very dynamic.
Ok I have to agree with you then, the drumming is extremely good and dynamic but maybe the production as a whole and more particularly for the drums could have been better. Well it was their first album and they didn't have much money to accomplish something that would sound AT LEAST decent. That's the problem when you're a newcomer band here, no one will give you money to pay a 3 weeks stay in a great studio with highly qualified techs and stuff :-/
That's why I'm checking the songs from the other two albums 'Invisible' and 'Pandora's Box', The production must have increased and i'm intriguited about this more popish/dark evolution.

Damn ... I think this band should perfeclty fit as the opening act for Anathema's next European tour or even as opening act for next Antimatter gigs, since they can play their songs acousticaly, else they wouldn't be playing with The gathering in Lyon.
agree, the drumming is nice, the whole production is not the best though. The song itself is kind of mediocre imo, it would be nice though to hear more of them, there is some potential, yes.