Nikki and I are tying the knot.


Guilty of being SEXY
May 2, 2007
Hampton, Virginia
All this talk about marriage made me remember that a couple weekends ago, I proposed to Nikki (in person) and she said yes! Anyways here are the wedding details.

Ever seen Immortal's "Call of the Wintermoon" video? Thats what the wedding is gonna be like. It will be in a forest in Norway, complete with corpse paint, gauntlets, and TORCHES. Indeed, it shall be a tr00 kvlt wedding of epic necr0 proportions.


Anyways, performing live at the reception (which will take place in the nearby ruins) will be Impaled Nazarene, Mayhem, Carpathian Forest, and of course Immortal themselves. Church burnings and cross impalement will proceed the festivities. This will all take place during the day before the trolls come out.

All of you assholes are invited.

Soy, I want you to be my best man. It would be my honor.

Groomsmen, bridesmaids, the maid of honor, the DJ, etc. can be decided amongst yourselves. Nikki and I will then take those into consideration.

We're also taking honeymoon suggestions.
oh fuck yes best man woo :kickass:

ill bring some meade even....*

*pending actually finding any in Richmond :erk: