NILE Guitarist Playing Drums For LECHEROUS NOCTURNE


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
NILE Guitarist Playing Drums For LECHEROUS NOCTURNE - Aug. 13, 2004 NILE guitarist Dallas Toler-Wade is reportedly playing drums for Greenville, SC extreme metal band LECHEROUS NOCTURNE. Dallas is said to be "just as great a drummer as he is a guitarist/vocalist." The band are currently writing new material, and will be playing shows and demoing new material soon. Rounding out the group's lineup is Kreishloff (guitars), Chris Lollis (guitars), Hohenstein (vocals), and a session bassist to be named later. For more information, visit
I know Clay their previous drummer, he quit recently, I think it was because of work, I am not sure, I talk to his wife Claire about them, and always said this band would go far, but I didnt think their previous drummer would quit, interesting the Nile guitarist plays drums as good as his guitar skills, I have been following Nile since 1995.

Well I hope the band goes far cause they have some pretty good music.
I like Nile, they're pretty badass. . . what's going to happen to them? Is the guitarist/vocalist going to quit or just play with the other band for a while? My bro wants to take me to see them so I hope they don't quit playing!