Nile/Napalm Death tour


May 20, 2002
Rhode Island, USA
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Has anyone seen this tour?
I went last night, mainly to see Napalm and watch Gene Hoglan rip shit up with Strapping Young Lad.
Heres the scoop:
first up the berserkers - SUCK ASS! They were all wearing laytex masks, the singer looked like a slipknot reject
2nd was Strapping Young Lad, they were pretty killer!
Got the chance to catch up with Gene after their set, the guys in like 6 different bands....amazing!
3rd Dark Ranquility, not my favorite, but a very good live band none the less
4th was of course the show stealers NAPALM DEATH!
Last and almost least was Nile. Who were so loud and distorted they sounded like total ass. This is my 2nd time seeing these guys and I think they are way overrated and boring. I left after the 2nd song.
Sounds like I didn't miss much, but I still wish I was there!!! My friends backed out the day before. Then to make up for it, I was suppose to have a party with a local band, but that never happened, it got postpon til next week. In a sense that's a good thing 'cause I have shop this week and let's just say I'll be begging to be drunk by the time of the party.
whoops, that should have read Dark Tranquility, not Ranquility.

Anyway, yeah Liz you didnt miss much. Are you going to NUCLEAR ASSAULT next Saturday night at the Lucky Dog in Worcester?
Because if you miss this, you WILL be missing a killer show!
Actually, it should be Dark Tranquillity... with two Ls... those damn Europeans spell everything funky... Colour, Centre, etc...

I wasn't able to go to the show though... :(
I saw the show last night in NY. Went for SYL and DT, didn't know much Napalm Death. SYL's guitar's were too low, drums too loud...other than rocked. I definitely liked Napalm Death. Left before Nile because I know they suck. Second time I've gone to a show Nile headlined and left before they came on (the first was Arch Enemy over the summer). Dark Tranquillity was fucking incredible. Berserker sucked.
Anyway, yeah Liz you didnt miss much. Are you going to NUCLEAR ASSAULT next Saturday night at the Lucky Dog in Worcester?

probrably not....none of my friends really like anything outside of Power Metal, Slayer, Dio, and Pantera.......I need new friends

tell your friends if they like pantera but wont go see NUCLEAR ASSAULT that they are posers and you dont want to hang out with them anymore.

Seriously, try to get someone to go, its going to be INCREDIBLE!
How do I know? I already saw them 2x on this tour!
:lol: :lol:
RIGHT, and get the shit kicked out of me!!

I'm gonna see if they wanna go nonetheless:spin:

I haven't heard anything by Nuclear Assault...what do they sound like?
NUCLEAR ASSAULT are 100% old school thrash metal. If you like Slayer and other bands like that, youll like them!
The drummer is one of the very best. I dont know how to describe Johns vocals, but something like a cross between Sean Killian of VIOLENCE and maybe Don Doty of DARK ANGEL.
Anyway, trust me darlin' they fucking RIP! You will want to be there for sure!
Its a Saturday night your friends have no excuses for not wanting to go *IF* they love metal. Just keep busting their balls about it.
Just went to the show in Atlanta this past friday (v-day). I was so happy to see S.Y.L. I thought I was gonna go nuts!! Devin Townsend may be losing his hair but he hasn't lost that voice! :rock: