Nile ripping off Candlemass?

Straight from Sanders himself...

"In "Unas Slayer Of The Gods" the intro riff is a clone of an old Candlemass riff. I love Candlemass and the riff was used to represent them and just as a homage to them. The riff was also appropriate for Nile, but I changed it a bit so it wasn't completely a direct copy. After the record came out, everyone was really critical. They were saying stuff like "You stole the Candlemass riff, you're rip-offs!" Ok, but we also used riffs on the new album from Rainbow, Judas Priest, KISS, Maiden and the like. And all of those stolen riffs are easily detectable. So, all these people that heard the Candlemass riff thought they were so cool for spotting it, but they couldn't even spot Priest! I had to chuckle at that, because those people aren't as cool as they think."