Ninja Gaiden - The Masked Devil Remix

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Hey dudes, this is a remix of a song from the 'ol 8-bit Ninja Gaiden I did a while back. Have a listen and dig it !

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I could be kinda nerd like that! But if you aren't from big guys than it rare that you get attention :(
Awesome remix for sure, I love that 80s or 90s vibe (can't really tell which one :D)
Kick could stand out bit more when everything opened.
BTW what you used for that lead... or what you used on everything, because it sound awesome!
Thanks! Yeah I know what you mean, it's a shame that it can be so hard to get some feedback.

Well like I said, I did it a while ago and I can't really remember what I used! I'm 90% certain that it was mostly free VST synths like Trancedrive and Silkworm. Honestly alot of songs of mine are a mystery to me as well haha, cause I can never remember how I did it! I guess it's mostly about having a sonic ideal in your head and just turning every damn knob until you achive that sound!