Ninjas rob Canadian McDonald's (I KNEW some were missing when I did a head count.)

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
WINNIPEG - A man brandishing a samurai sword forced his way through the drive-thru window to rob a McDonald's restaurant in Winnipeg on Sunday.

The thief, who also wielded a pipe, climbed through the window at about 5:30 a.m. He held the sword to the throat of the restaurant's 17-year-old manager, forcing him to open a back door to an accomplice.

The robbers bound three employees with duct tape and forced the manager to give them cash.

They tied him up and fled the restaurant, which is located in the southern part of the city at Pembina Highway and Chancellor Drive.

The victims, who weren't injured, eventually freed themselves and called police.

Winnipeg police commended staff for how they handled the situation.

"A male coming to a drive-thru window armed with a sword and a pipe is going to be intimidating for anyone, let alone this 17-year-old manager," said Const. Shelly Glover.

"These employees did a fantastic job, given the trauma that they were obviously suffering."

Police said the suspects wore balaclavas, sunglasses and dark clothing. They didn't say how much money was taken.
that's funny... my friends from Winnipeg say that they have a problem with asian gangs down there and that those sort of things DO happen.

It's the murder capital of Canada. Must be because of all the ninjas.

we get ninjas here too.

But in this case, it was some random dude with a samurai sword that robbed two places twice.... each.

And he didnt get caught.

crazy ninjas
AsModEe said:
Yeah, don't forget the axes! It would be cool to have vikings robing a burger king.

Then we could have viking , ninja, pirate wars. Oddly enough I think the world would be a safer place. Arguements would end in a duel. Countries would be fought over by large battles of armies with no guns only bow and arrows and hand held weapons. It would be like the British vs. the Scottish, Anglo saxons vs the christians , Romans vs EVERYONE type of world and that would suit me fine. Only elctronics that would be allowed would be for recording music. All pop divas would become sex slaves and all male pop artists would be thrown to wolves and lions for our enjoyment. Long live the Ren. period and the middle ages. This is the UTOPIA I strive for. Mcdonalds and Starbucks would die and all food places would be Steak , Chinese food and Taco bell. Mead, Beer, Vodka and water would be the only drinks served in restaurants . Denny's and Ihop would always serve free coffee. Everyone would walk or ride bikes so no one would be outta shape and everyone would be sexually desireable. If not refer to male pop stars. :D