Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

Astral Poetry

"Eros! Your hand...!"
Mar 21, 2003
"'s missing!"
The holidays are swiftly approaching and the next-gen handhelds are starting to be released. I've been wanting to cash in on the gameboy sp "being able to see the screen" gaming for a while, and upon hearing that the DS will support GBA games, I'm thinking of investing...


The Sony PSP is nearing release date and it's looking very scrumptious with it's Metal Gear Acid and possible Final Fantasy support.

Bombarded with such might, what are we to do?
metal gear ac!d looks...not good. i don't know of any other games for psp, but the system looks cool. right now i'd say ds even though i doubt that i'll buy either.
played with the DS briefly in the store. The metroid game looks pretty cool, and I've always wanted to have my own touchscreen, but after using my SP frequently on tour I agree with Seipp, not really into handhelds.
I never had a handheld, other than these things called BOOKS GODDAMNIT!
And another thing, Fuck televisions being in cars too!
gekko brings the techno-HATE!

But I agree with him about those dvd players in cars. Kids are dumb enough now as it is, and family vacations used to be the only time you could really get kids away from electronic entertainment and get them to learn to enjoy the stuff that really matters.
I agree on the attacks on technology, especially putting tv's everywhere (now there is one that comes in your refrigerator so you don't miss a second of the big game.

In the defense of games, some have an open-ended quality that feel very close(if not identical) to that of a book (usually rpg's, a good example being Morrowind).

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