No Idols - Low


Apr 5, 2003
No Idols - Low
HEX Records - HXR015 - Jan. 10th, 2006
By Brandon Strader


Like nails on a chalkboard, so is the opening of Low. Thirty-nine full seconds of just heavily detuned guitar scraping... scrape, scrape... scrape... Ouch, my head. Good news though, friends! The next song whips into some actual music, some hardcore to be more specific. Still very detuned guitars, but now they are playing powerchords, and no more scraping. Another group labeled hardcore from the Syracuse, New York area and on HEX Records as well, although they really don't sound too much like hardcore (again) but at least they sound more hardcore than Engineer did.

Actually, No Idols sounds just a little similar to labelmates Engineer. The monotone screams, rock-pattern percussion, and slower pace make them different enough. The progressions here are a lot less complex than those of Engineer, being mostly powerchords and some high-notes being played occasionally. It's great to hear such a hardcore group at least having an audible bass, despite it's simplicity, it is pretty fun to listen to.

Low has some cool songs, but they also have some of those songs that people will dub as "filler" and you will hate them. Mark my words. Althouh the percussion is very simple, it still has very awful timing. You'd think they could get a drummer who could hit the mark, especially with the simplicity of this stuff. In fact, the singer could have probably played these drums while screaming his lifeless monotone vocals! It's really nothing too new or interesting, and with the extremely short length of this so-called full-length, it's really not worth picking up at all!

3 / 10

UM’s Review Rating Scale

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