no irony:is there anything you'd wanna like to achieve in your life...


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
on the professional plan, in the near future? just trying to make it sound all normal... and different. do you have any whishes, ideas, plans?

I have a very ugly job where I translate medical reports, there is some common business correspondance, but mostly it's about practically incurably ill people who get sent to Germany or Austria to get treatments or surgeries there. although it's a safe firm to work in, I would want to get out of here... all the ugly things affect me, especially children dying waiting for get a treatment abroad... I dissect tumors on paper, almost on daily basis, would want to run away from here, the only thing that I would wanna keep from this place is the material that I'm collecting to, if possible soon, write a dictionary of croatian-german medical terminology as there is no such thing here, and get it published in a year, two, three....

apologies to all who disliked my sarcastic/bitter jokes, I'm difficult for myself as well. this is good will to make it sound better.

respect to all. thank you to some who supported me in the battlefield...:cool:
I would like to finish my studies someday...i'm at the 4th and theoritically last year now,and i've only passed 4 subjects...i just can't get myself down to read and attend the lessons.
beyonf that,my biggest aim in life is to live...make relationships with people,share beautiful moments and drink life to death
Well, i, being I(nformation) Technology engineer have to keep up with technology and b constantly informed about that. In the job section i dlike to just get a job with lotsa money. Computers are my hobby kinda so i don't care if they are my job as well. If they are that is fine, but if something else comes up wiht more money for me, then off i go. :)
It ll be good to feel nice where i work, meaning the colleagues.

But this proffession i have now is promising.

Generally in life i have set a course and i will fololow that course. You know little steps to enhance my life.

That is all, i think.
first of all i 'd like to finish my studies in environmental engineering and after get a job and make $$$ :grin: (tough) Beyond that my greatest dream is to form a band and kick some ass :rock:
jeez Dragonlord!!! that IS a problem you 've got there :eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm starting my studies in Veterinary Medicine at university this October, so I hope to turn a really good vet in about 6 years :)
(after two years of studying something else which in retrospect seems to have been a bad choice for me :( )

Apart from that I would like to improve my singing abilities and who knows -one day- be in a band....
oh well, i guess everyone needs his dreams
college - THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL (haha, unlessi totally fuck up my senior year, i'm pretty much in)

as a career - i want to write. . . to express my ideas with words, doing what i like, what i believe in, and NOT writing strictly to get an audience. selling millions of copies would be icing on the cake, but i would still like to write for my own ego, not someone else. if i can write what I feel are true masterpieces (and even better if others share in them), then i believe i can be happy with what i am doing. i would like to do something on the side (and make REAL money), like maybe teahing english at a university.

life in general - do not conform. be an individual. never lose the passion for doing what i do. keep my goals. never lose sight of myslef. live a full life, with many experiences. gain as much knowledge as possible. be remembered after i die.
Well, as far as I am moving to Sweden for real the end of August I gotta concentrate on the completely new existence I have to get there. New friends, new cultural experiences, learning a completely new language and try to get used to the fact that my parents are not that very close to me anymore.... But ask me in a year.... :)
I'm a writer with a few pieces published in obscure indy publications. I'm figuring out where I want to go to get MFA in creative writing. Aside from keeping myself fed and housed, my biggest goals are in the forms of continuing to create, both in fictional formats, and hopefully some other interesting projects as they arise.

Mostly trying to finish my novel which is getting close to done. I'm going to have my friend at NYU funnel it to potential agents, see if I can't get my work out even before I go back to school. We shall see where it goes from here.
i want to continue my education past highschool and maybe go to a computer technologies school and take some writing courses which will contribute to my ultimate goal, start a band
I'd love to make it through college and get a job in my intended major area, Journalism. I would prefer freelancing or writing for a magazine in one of my areas of interest, but even working for a newspaper would be just fine by me.