genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
or sharing beer hahahaha

BERLIN (Reuters) – Fans attending one of the world's biggest heavy metal festivals in Germany were asked on Thursday to avoid "hugging, kissing on the cheek, and shaking hands" lest they spread the H1N1 influenza. On its website, the health ministry of Germany's northern Schleswig-Holstein region optimistically advised revelers to restrain from any such sociable behavior so as to minimize the infection risk at the Wacken Open Air festival, which runs until August 1.

It also recommended fans did not share bottles of beer.

"We know that kissing and what have you can't be ruled out," said ministry spokesman Oliver Breuer. "They're just tips."

Stalwart rockers Motorhead, Anthrax and Napalm Death are among the bands due to perform at the three-day festival, which organizers expect to attract about 75,000 fans.

More than 430 people worldwide have died from the flu and more than 94,000 people have been, or are, infected.

(Reporting by Dave Graham; Editing by Matthew Jones)
I love how everyone is bent out of shape over .0015 percent of the world's population having swine flu. I mean, what is the event staff going to do, go around to tents at night and make sure people aren't cuddling or whatever?

Crock of shit
It's still a good thing to issue a warning, everything that makes people think twice is good. Especially when such a big amount of people will be living so close to eachother as at Wacken.
The swine flu "scare" is fear mongering by the MSM,WHO, and "Big Pharma" . The vaccine will kill and impair more people than the flu will.
Granted 9000 of those will be stupid whores who listen to metal because their boyfriends do it. 1000 will be real fans, but as we all know, if there's something good about a woman she will be ugly instead.