No More Colour- Coroner


Apr 8, 2003
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The guitar playing bass playing duo of Marky and Royce has rarely been equalled.
Most Coroner fans would acknowledge this fact.
With this in mind I review their most deathly and thrashiest album.
They slowed down on Mental Vortex and Grin to their brilliant and most subtle best. But No More Colour is their chops album.
Die By My Hand a song about suicide is remarkably bleak and sinister with a triplet feel that speeds along with a wicked chromatic riff.
This is the bible of three fingerd bass playing right here.
Skip to the albums showpiece Mistress Of Deception.
A classic tri-tone riff with lighting fast minor scale fills.
I still have not heard a unison bass/guitar run like the one displayed after the chorus of this song. Please let me know of others.

I listen to fusion and a lot of very acomplished bass players but this still blows me away.

The last track with its damnation of mass media requires some reflection.

" Charge yourself with scenes of dying
You will buy again
Cause boredom creates hunger."

In between classic Coroner riffing exists.
The quirky D.O.A and the speedfest of Tunnel Of Pain will keep you satisfied.
The barking cadence of Read My Scars will question the prison system.
And Why Does It Hurt.

A classic in every sense of the word.

Great lyrics by the drummer and fantastic drumming make this three piece a brilliant combination.

If you have not heard Coroner give yourself a piece of metal history and enjoy artists at their peak.