No mosque at Ground Zero (2 blocks from)


Pat Condell is an old fuck, who should've been born in the 1930's and died in the 1950's. I wouldn't take a word of his seriously at all.
Pat Condell is the shit. I remember discovering him nearly three years ago when looking though "atheist" videos on youtube, and he stood out of the crowd as one of the few who weren't a bunch of pissed 14 year old kids rebelling against their religious parents. The guy says things that mot people wish they had the balls to say, but don;t for "political correctness". Well political correctness can suck a big one, because it means in the end you are a push over and anyone else can get their way, for fucks sake look at how America is sue happy for everything, and thats the reason why.
I agree with him for the most part, but radical Islamists are totally the exception and not at all the rule.

I also agree we should build a Mosque at the UN building, if only so that we can more justifiably bomb the shit out of it and potentially destroy that joke of an international community. :lol:
Mooninites now, Murph?

yes.. and you will all suffer... big time.


i hope you can see this because i'm doing it hard as i can.
so you have the courage of your convictions then.

Just seems slightly pointless. I would just be arguing for arguments sake with someone who obviously isn't going to change their mind, in the same way I'm not going to change my mind. But to agree with such a generalisation about Muslims seems ridiculous to me.
I'd like to hear/read your opinion on the matter James Murphy. Do you think that Pat Condell is painting to wide a brush stroke on the muslim canvas?
I only watched the first third of it, but he seems to be implying that these people did what they did because of a.) their religion and b.) our way of life. I really think both of these are not true, the 9/11 attacks were politically motivated, stemming from decades of interventionist policies by Western nations in the middle east. The hijackers themselves may have been religiously motivated, but the people who orchestrated the plot were politically motivated.

Islamic extremists (I use this word very carefully - most Muslims in the Middle East feel this way, however very few take it to its extreme, deadly conclusion) do not hate our freedom - they hate our policies in their region. Bin Laden is not stupid and uses religion to advance his political goals.
I am amazed at reaction of some London boys,,,
Is it alright that every Subway and KFC in east London are now halal? :Puke:
Have you ever been to Upton Park? Do you find such places comfortable? :zombie: