No news is not always good news, so ...


doom classic
Mar 27, 2002
Charlotte, NC, USA
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I'll bring it up again, as no one else has. How goes the vocal recording for the new ablum? I don't want to be pushy er nuttin', but you'ze see... Some good news would be great news, ya know?
As of right now, Erik does have the adat tape with the tracks on it. He might have already started his vocals and that would be great. Erik has the tracks, thats the first step.

That's all I have for you as of now bro.

'preciate it. As far as recording goes, do you find the adat simple to use? I'm seriously thinking of trying to record some of my stuff. I've heard the adat is relatively easy and the price for the equipment has come down a lot. I am trying to find as much info as possible before I decide to plunk down several thou or more on recording gear. There seem to be so many variables, but your opinion would be greatly viewed.
Adats are pretty cool, i'm not a huge fan but they do searve they're purpose. We recorded all the music on Pro-tools with Dino. Erik tol us it would be tough to go to Santa Rosa and track. So really our only option was for him to record it at his place with the Adat. Once he finished, Dino and myself will have to do alot of fixing on his tracks. I think Adats are fine as long as you know what you're doing.

Hope this helps.

97reb said:
I'll bring it up again, as no one else has. How goes the vocal recording for the new ablum? I don't want to be pushy er nuttin', but you'ze see... Some good news would be great news, ya know?
Wow!! Didnt know this BBS was still going!! COOL!!
@Thorny - haven't seen you anywhere on UM in a long time. What's up?

As Far as recording information goes, I have found a couple of other forums that are dedicated to that. So, I'll take my novice questions there.