NO OFFENCE: Girls who listen to metal....

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Gr1m R34p0r
Aug 13, 2005
Generally aren't hot.

There are always exeptions of course. :saint:

Now: Flame mee!!!
CliffBurton said:
I'm going ot make teh assumption you have never met a single hot girl in your life.

and you damn right about that. and also I really doubt he ever dated any thing that even could get under definition of a girl besides his own hands
Lithium said:
Generally aren't hot.

There are always exeptions of course. :saint:

Now: Flame mee!!!

fuck you, you should see my girlfriend
HomerJ_123 said:
fuck you, you should see my girlfriend

lolz, did u read the exeption bit?

Anyway I'm just writing towards what ''metal'' chicks you see on festivals n stuff.....I'm sorry If I don't find Death Growling Gothic depressed fat teens attractive....
Lithium said:
lolz, did u read the exeption bit?

Anyway I'm just writing towards what ''metal'' chicks you see on festivals n stuff.....I'm sorry If I don't find Death Growling Gothic depressed fat teens attractive....
well in that case you're right
HomerJ_123 said:
well in that case you're right

Aahh I was getting a bit scared we weren't on the same ''track'' there :loco:

Good we sorted that out hahaa.
those gothic whores don't listen to metal
anyway I see hundreds of hot metal chicks on festivals.

what festival did you visit?:zombie:


No seriously....I live next to Graspop Metal Meeting, and when u wanna take the train u see soooo many ugly chicks going to the festival dressed black n stuff....

So I'm guessing it's not going to be chick wallhalla when u enter teh gates.

Also, the COB concert had like 2 hot chicks in the quite big venue in Tilburg
-Merrild- said:
I kinda is like that in my town..every girl that likes metal are fuckin ugly ..but there are some hot chicks like Åsa..grr :)

lolz this is like the first time u agree with me, at a point where I thought no one was going to....

Ok mayb exept Homer :heh:
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