no one's fault but my own..... =/


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Left the geetar in the car overnight. It may have been 2 nights....

Just opened the case to discover moisture built up on my pickups and bridge.

I know it's my own stupidity now that the seasons are changing and whatnot, but I've let it in the car for longer periods than this before with no problems.

I'm afraid to plug in and strum now!!

*kicks self in ass*
at least it wasn't stolen.

i had a 1959 gibson es-335 locked in the case inside a car with tinted windows that was parked inside a gated parking garage.

someone stole it... but they didn't take the iphone/gps/$300 sunglasses or the gun under my seat. :err:

(i think it was an inside job but there is no way of proving it).

it still hurts me so bad.
ouch man!! sorry to hear that. I've yet to have any gear stolen. I lent stuff out to friends, like dist. pedals or wah pedals and they somehow mysteriously disappeared....but that was all little stuff. Our current jam space doesnt have locks on the doors. We are in the middle of the boonies, basically, but still....makes me nervous everytime.
Let it sit in the house at room temperature for a day at least. Maybe put some silica gel packs in the case with it to suck up the moisture ....

ugh. we have practice tonight....only guitar.....fml. :yell:

im gonna open the rear up and see if there's any wetness inside that cavity but I'm worried about the p'ups.
at least it wasn't stolen.

i had a 1959 gibson es-335 locked in the case inside a car with tinted windows that was parked inside a gated parking garage.

someone stole it... but they didn't take the iphone/gps/$300 sunglasses or the gun under my seat. :err:

(i think it was an inside job but there is no way of proving it).

it still hurts me so bad.

You're super lucky they didn't steal your gun...that could have been nasty.
Tim, you have a gun under your seat? So fucking California :lol:

Bryan, well, I'd say that does indeed qualify as what is professionally known as a "hurr durr" moment (and I love that my iPhone didn't spell-check that :lol: ), but as long as the lesson has been learned, then go in peace my son

Wow I'm high :D
I've been told a little rust is not going to change the sound of your PUps. I have to change the bridge and some circuits of one of my axes because of rust but the pups are staying right there.