No time, This Time

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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Does anyone have a copy of this song that they could let me listen to. I have searched the net all over and can not find it. I know the whole thing with giving people free music has been a issue on here, but this is about the only piece of recorded 'Thrax material I have not heard. I am a police fan too, so it would be neat to hear the cover Anthrax does. Maybe someone could just e-mail me it?
Hey that's a great song! I'd be interested in hearing Anthrax do a cover of it myself! I don't really see a problem with you getting a song or two - i'm sure you haven't obtained all (or any) of their albums for free (but this may be a debate that I really don't want to get into). I don't see the harm. It's strange for me that I never had much of a problem copying from cd to tape, but to even think about burning to a cd...i just can't do it. I could burn Among the Living right now and never buy it, but I'd feel pretty shitty about it. So I'm buying it.
Well I have bought all there albums, Twice! On Tape and Cd. And a couple times more for a few because I wore them out. Anyway's that song was a B-side on the single for "Nothing",I believe, and single's are nearly impossible to find as I am finding out. That song is the only one I have not been able to find, and I am sure there are other's I do not know about, but I am just going off the list on the website.
Last time I was on aimster, I saw "No Time, This Time." SO it is out there. As far as the single goes, keep checking e-bay, it is part of the "Nothing" 2 cd set. I was just goofing around the other day bored at work during my planning time and got on ebay to see what kinda anthrax stuff was there.WOW, I spent like 80 bucks on assorted promo material, tour riders, and singles....BTW, Frankie sings "No Time, This Time," and it sounds pretty wild.
Originally posted by TD
Last time I was on aimster, I saw "No Time, This Time." SO it is out there. As far as the single goes, keep checking e-bay, it is part of the "Nothing" 2 cd set. I was just goofing around the other day bored at work during my planning time and got on ebay to see what kinda anthrax stuff was there.WOW, I spent like 80 bucks on assorted promo material, tour riders, and singles....BTW, Frankie sings "No Time, This Time," and it sounds pretty wild.

It's also on the Nothing Australian tour ep. I have this if anyone wants it I can send you teh song by AOL IM. My nick is stantheman1976