noise after using the limiter in the final mix


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2012
i use Ozone 5 maximizier in the final mix

when i go for hitting the levels higher...
there comes some low level hiss in the starting and at the end of the song where all instruments are fading away..
basically in the silent part...
so couldnt find out what could be the problem..?

the mode i always work in

Intersample off

Charecter(smooth) 4.0

transient recovery 0

stereo link 100.0 %

Dithering tpe

Type- MBIT+
Noise shaping high
bit depth 16
dither amount normal

i think im using the wrong dithering setting or sth :|
I think thats not ozone mate... you probably have some waves plugin with the "analog" option ON and it creates a slight hiss and hum... when pushed by the limiter becomes more apparent
Yep that's the waves analog button. Which is nothing more than a white noise generator. One of the most annoying "features" I've ever seen in a plugin.
Ok so I notice since I use a crap load of plus like Waves CLA comp or studio classics I get a turd load of hissing. So i click of the analog button and its gone. But would that affect the tone quality of the plug or is it only just hiss. Also I can't control the hiss on my VCC, I click the mute hiss but it won't stop......
No, it's just a white noise generator. Nothing more.
With VCC it generates hiss whenever it sees an input signal, and with hiss auto mute on it'll stop hissing when there's no signal at input.
I don't really find the VCC hiss to be loud enough to bother about personally.
The eq and the comp is like okay..(not so great)
the reamp thing on those are awful
the freeware dist are so much better

I assume you're talking about those all-in-one signature plugins. I've gotten some really good results from them when I need to do up a really quick demo mix. I actually really dig his acoustic plugin.
Sometimes I bounce a mix down then bring it back in and run only the limiter on it and it's fine. For me, in Cakewalk anyway, plugins on the master bus sound better but just not when there's other compressors and busses. Same with Pro Tools too from what I remember.
Sometimes I bounce a mix down then bring it back in and run only the limiter on it and it's fine. For me, in Cakewalk anyway, plugins on the master bus sound better but just not when there's other compressors and busses. Same with Pro Tools too from what I remember.

the problem has been solved man