Noise pollution


enchanted daily
Feb 26, 2004
lonGiland, NY
What is it with people and power equipment?!
It seems it IS everyday that someone in my small neighborhood has got to be running some type of power tool.
Now, lawn mowers are a summer standard (an easy 4 cycle hum that blends in to the background easily), but i'm talkin weed wackers, wood chippers, grinding tools, chainsaws, and the worst, the high pitched, nuisance of all nuisances, the leaf blower.
Its Always something around here and its really starting to seep into my skin......the constant revving and grinding all day, no to mention that i work nights and sleep late.
It's my next door neighbors who are the worst. I truly believe he is not satisfied unless he RUNS something everyday----and there he goes with the grinding!

Anybody else share this situation??
I shouldnt complain too much tho cause it is a nice neighborhood and i should move from home eventually, but nothing kills a peaceful afternoon like the guy across the street, with his Yukon Denali and already pristine property, blowing around a few leaves off his driveway @ 90 decibels. NOISE :Shedevil:

So, that's how i feel and i'll just have to deal with it i guess and it's been good to get that out of me :bah: and i feel better so i think i'll go to my room , close the door and listen to some vivaldi.

O, and thanks 'Ultimate Metal Forum' for wishing me a happy birthday! Some folks say Metal music is noise pollution. Theres a time and place for everything.

I too am vexed by loud hedge clippers, chainsaws and leaf blowers (whatever happened to rakes?), probably twice a week, as I live in an apartment complex. I feel your pain.
hey thanks, i'm just touchy with loud noises i think. Just dont get me started on the radio! blech :yuk: omg another steve miller band song and.............

actually my boss got satellite radio at the bakery where i work, so thats definetely.....well awesome + fantastic. and surprising too.
I didnt know the rolling stones had more than those 40 licks ;) ............songs i dont know from bands that i do, and dont, or didnt think that i liked.

I didnt see a prog rock station but nonetheless its great background workin music 2 nights a week that i dont have to think to hard about , plus no commercial of course. I even had the 'jam band ' station on for a while :eek:

I dont think i'll see Enchant popping up on there tho. They definetely get me "pumped up" at work. I'll say. I should try to lobby for a pure progressive station...........that would, well, rock the bakeshop :headbang:
