Noiz Pollution :: music forumz

Baby Jordan

New Metal Member
Mar 14, 2003
Glasgow, UK
hey folkz,

i recently reopened my own music boardz 4 both music fanz & musicianz
u can find it by clicking this ----> [NoizPollution]

i'm also offering bandz & artistz who don't already have a forum a free forum on noiz, i'm also offering a custom header 4 it az well, not much of a spam seeing i won't be making anything out of it, not even got banner adz on it & i've gotta pay the billz! but yeah, if ur interested drop me a pm on the board & i'll hook u up

the 1st band we're hosting iz [Cycle of Zen] & u can see their custom header [here]

let me know what u think of the design :)
