NOK NOVUM Recording Guitars (axe fx/logic 9/superior)


Apr 25, 2012
So I have posting quite a few videos lately, trying to average one per week so hopefully I can pique some interest of likeminded musicians.

The first couple I posted were videos of my good friend/drummer doing an Animals As Leaders and a Karnivool cover. Now it is my turn for some spotlight, so here is a quick/dirty video I put together showing a collection of riffs/etc. that will be on my project's upcoming album. Check it:

Poorly filmed over the last year or so with a mix of Canon 7D w/50mm 1.4f lens, Panasonic GH2 w/20mm 1.7f lens, iPhone 4, Logitech c910.

Guitars are:
- PRS Custom 24 Artist w/Bare Knuckle Nailbomb Pickups
- PRS SE Mike Mushok Baritone w/Bare Knuckle Painkiller Pickups

Amp/FX is AXE FX Ultra and AXE FX II

Recording equipment used included an RME Fireface 800, RME Babyface, Steinberg MR816CSX, Logic Studio 9.

More videos to come, some covers, lots of originals.

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