non assertive discussion is the root of all evil

  • Thread starter the galliant gullstone
  • Start date

the galliant gullstone

it establishes comparison w/ others you can never live up to = evil
But I'm evil, and I have a habit of asserting myself so much people get very mad at me. :) I gotta stop BEING assertive.
Lord of Metal said:
Like vulnerability?

Doesn't have to be vulnerability on it's self,
it's just the other way around.
"The circle never ends" .

a guy... said:
Infinity, the snake eating its own tail.

If the snake swallows his own tail, he'll die!
He'd kill his most important tool!
Infinity my ass! Downward spirals need a slap on the tail and being moved in reverse..or slammed so hard, it bends over and reaches the start again.. :lol:
